Page 53 of Resisting the Alpha

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As I typed in the time, he stood up, still smiling at me. “I won’t take up any more of your time, Eli. I’m sure you’re very busy — but I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.”

He let himself out and as soon as the door shut, I sighed, slumping back into the chair.What have I just gotten myself into?



Silverstreak Ranch Home

Travis County, Texas

Ican’t believe I’m standing here…

Two days ago, when Eli texted me asking if I wanted to join him at a Silverstreak party, my brain had saidHell no!And for some stupid reason, my traitorous fingers had typed outyes.I hadn’t even realized what I’d done until he texted me back a thanks. I was still planning on backing out until he’d come over to help me comb through files that night, but he seemed sorelievedthat I’d go with him that I hadn’t the heart to take back my yes.

Since when have you become such a softy, Iris?

Telling men ‘no’ was not a particular issue of mine. If I didn’t want to do something, I didn’t do it — and that wasn’t just personal protocol. I’d have gotten nowhere in this industry, dominated by men. If I meant no, I said no — and vice versa. It had been years since I’d let someone pressure me into agreeing to do something I didn’t want to do. Which wasn’t to say I didn’t do things I didn’t want to; I was a practical woman, after all. Sometimes, I had to do undesirable things to close a case, but that was my choice. I valued solving the mystery more than whatever else it was I disliked.

This, though… This wasn’t a case. I hadn’t made a promise to someone.

I had agreed to something because… I wasn’t even really sure. But when Eli admitted to me yesterday that he was dreading this party because he’d only known Remus for the last year, well… That killed the last shred I’d had of backing out.

At least there will be food. Probably even good food. I’d heard things about the Silverstreak family. They loved a good party. I was already starting to believe that, given the chatter I could pick up standing outside the solid wooden door. I glanced at myself; I’d arrived in a pair of skinny black jeans and black ankle boots. I had a straightforward white top with a hint of lace. It was probably one of the classiest things I owned, but I liked it because it was simple. Not too frilly while still being subtly feminine.

I steeled myself and straightened my shoulders, knocking on the door. A few moments later, a silver-haired man opened the door. We’d never been introduced, but I didn’t need one to know he must be Eli’s father. They looked remarkably similar, except this man was wearing a bright smile as he greeted me.

“Ah, hi,” I replied, trying to fight the awkward feelings already creeping up and threatening to close my throat. “I’m Iris. Eli invited me to come with him.”

We hadn’t driven together; I needed the time alone to collect myself. I hated social gatherings even when I knew the people I was meeting, but a house full of complete strangers? Nightmare fuel.

Thankfully, Eli understood and didn’t press the issue.

The man’s face brightened even more. “Iris? Welcome!” he said, extending a hand for a shake. As soon as our fingers brushed, I could sense what a powerful alpha he was. Even my sluggish wolf stirred.Must run in the family.“My name is Nic. Nic Archer. It’s nice to meet you.”

Once he let go, he took a step back, motioning me into the house. “My son had mentioned you’d be arriving. He’s around here somewhere…”

As he closed the door, I scanned the house. I’d been here before, but the Moonmate ceremony had been largely held outside, and I wasn’t exactly invited inside last time. I swallowed my nerves; I’d almost forgotten how much I hated parties. It wasn’t just the expectation of social behavior but the sheer number of wolves present. While the party wasn’t quite as large as the ceremony, it wasn’t an intimate gathering, either.

Did Eli even know how much I disliked these things? Probably not. I had my best face on for that ceremony. By the time I’d run into Eli, I had my mind fully in ‘work mode,’ most of my anxiety squashed by the thrill of the chase.He probably wouldn’t have made me come.

I didn’t know what to do with that thought or if that would bother me. Would I actually take the out I was given? But, I didn’t like that implication, either.

Fortunately, Nic reappeared, ushering me down the hallway towards the kitchen, where it seemed like most of the guests had gathered. My heart was well on its way to climbing up into my throat. That wasn’t the only strange sensation, though — to my surprise, my wolf had remained present once Nic’s alpha strength had woken her up. She wasn’t exactly pressing at the surface, but she was awake. If I wasn’t mistaken, she was looking for Eli — Lookingforwardto seeing Eli.

It was strange enough that I just let her be. I was relieved to see Eli near the edge of the crowd, stepping forward the moment his eyes fell on me. “Iris! It’s good to see you,” he greeted me, giving his father a slight nod. “I’m glad you could make it.”

I offered him a small smile, a little spark of warmth flickering in my belly at being greeted so enthusiastically. “Of course,” I murmured, stepping closer.

Nic gave us both a smile before clapping a hand over Eli’s shoulder. “Enjoy yourself, you two,” he rumbled, leaving us to ourselves. He worked his way back through the crowd, ending up at the pack matriarch’s side.

I raised my brow. “Is that Fiona Silverstreak?” I murmured, leaning into Eli’s side. “They look, ah…friendly.”

Eli snorted gently, taking another sip from his cup. “Yeah, you could say that,” he grunted, the stormy look on his face saying far more than he said out loud. “Do you want something to drink? It’s all shifter grade.”

“Sure,” I said, following him over to the bar. As I did, I scanned the crowd, my heart starting to quiver in my chest. Most of the women were dressed in exquisite cocktail dresses. At the very least, I didn’t see anyone else injeans. I leaned in. “You didn’t tell me there was a dress code,” I grumbled, already feeling the heat prickle at the back of my neck.

“I’m sorry,” Eli murmured, leaning forward to order something for me. “I didn’t know. My father just said ‘birthday party.’ I should have asked.” He turned back to me with a drink in hand. “You’re the most stunning person in the room. I didn’t notice, honestly.”
