Page 75 of Resisting the Alpha

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“Yes.” She didn’t even hesitate. “I do. Sometimes I don’t know why, ancestors help me, but I do.”

My smile grew against her lips, and I wrapped my arms around her hugging her close. Iris came willingly, fumbling for a moment to get her laptop off her thighs before she moved, straddling my waist as she slung her arms around my neck. We kissed like we were teenagers who weren’t sure if they’d ever kiss again, hungry, desperate, and wanting more. I had no idea how long we kissed; it felt simultaneously like the world had stopped and we had been kissing forever.

Iris was soon squirming against my thighs, and my cock was already starting to fatten up, heat and desire pooling in my gut. I slid my hands under her tee, spreading my fingers over her skin. Iris made a soft noise, shifting her weight onto her knees to grind against me. The sudden change in friction made me groan into her mouth. I moved my hands again, grabbing her by the rear to lift her. “Bed,” I huffed.

She nodded, unable to tear her mouth away from my skin as she peppered my face and jaw with kisses. “Bed,” she agreed.

When I putIris gently on the bed, she rolled towards me, grabbing my shirt to tug me closer for a brief kiss. “Hi,” she murmured, almost looking shy.

“Hi,” I replied, feeling rather endeared at the moment. I pulled my shirt off and deposited it on the floor before reaching for hers, gently coaxing her tee up and over her head. Her running shorts were the next to go.

“Let me take care of you,” I murmured, crawling into the bed beside her. I was careful as I slotted myself next to her, reaching up to slide my fingers into her hair. I reached back to find the hair tie, gently untangling it until her bun spilled free.

Iris moved closer and a soft exhale escaped as she leaned in. It was as if she was drawn into my personal space like a satellite in orbit or a comet pulled from outer space. It didn’t take me long to close what little space was left between us.

“I’ll do all the work,” I whispered against her skin, pressing a tiny kiss to the corner of her slack mouth. “I’m going to hold you down and fuck you so sweet. You can just lie there and have it all, and if you still want to go back to work after that, I swear to the ancestors, I’ll—”

“You’ll what?” Iris replied, eyes flashing with a challenge. The look disappeared as I slipped a hand down her belly and into her panties, grinning at the moisture I found there. I brushed my fingers against her lower lips and Iris shuddered, her eyelashes dark against her cheeks.

“I don’t even know,” I had to admit, my brain short-circuiting just from touching her like this. Iris whimpered in response, so I figured she couldn’t be too far off. “Just let me do this, okay? I want to do this.”

Iris shivered again before nodding slowly. I teased her a few more times before withdrawing my hand and removing the rest of our clothing. Once we were both fully naked, I gently spread her thighs apart and situated myself between them. Iris craned her neck, peering at me through her lashes.

“Thought you said you were gonna hold me down,” she teased breathlessly.

I had to bite down on my lower lip to regain control of my brain as my cock jumped at the suggestion. It sounded so much better coming from her lips. “Yeah,” I groaned, reaching down to give myself a squeeze. “Fuck, yeah, okay.”

Whatever you want, Iris.

And fuck if she wasn’t beautiful like this, too, pliant and sleepy as I pressed kisses from her thighs to her belly, marking out each little scar, little freckle, little dip. I wanted to map her entire body and memorize it. I wanted to make it my home.

Iris whimpered and squirmed, her hips swaying in front of me seductively. I hummed quietly as I lifted my face and moved my hand from her thigh to her hipbone, pressing my thumb into the little divot. It was like we were made to fit together or something. “You just have to stay like that,” I whispered to her, unable to help my smile.

“If I don’t die of impatience first,” Iris whispered back, her voice already breathy.

“You won’t,” I promised and leaned over to the bedstand to open the drawer and dig out a condom. Then lube.

I took it slow after that, taking my sweet time as I slowly opened Iris up. She’d told me she’d never been with a wolf before, and even if sex wasn’t new, I wanted this to be something she looked back fondly upon. I didn’t want this just to begoodfor her — I wanted it to be thebest. It wasn’t even about me, not really. It was just something she deserved, and I happened to be in the place to give that to her.

I sat between her legs as I worked, bracing one hand on Iris’ hip, not quite pinning her down but certainly taking advantage of the leverage I had there. I wanted Iris to feel cared for, not trapped.

At first, Iris just gave a breathy sigh with each plunge of my fingers, hips rolling in tight circles as she tried to match my rhythm. By the time I managed to get three fingers stuffed into her, Iris had become restless, whimpering and squirming as she rolled her hips. If she matched me before, her motions were becoming increasingly desperate now, hard to track as she writhed. She curled her hands into fists by her sides, clutching the sheets between her fingers. Her toes curled, and her heels pressed into the mattress.

I was debating adding more when Iris finally spoke again. “I should have known you’d be a tease, Eli Archer,” she groaned, craning her neck to frown at me. Even from here, I could tell she struggled to put on that frown.

“What are you going to do about it?” I demanded, crooking my fingers. I must have found the right spot because Iris gasped, her mouth forming a perfect ‘o’.

It took her a moment after that to get her brain back online. She didn’t even bother to lift her head and look at me this time. “I’ll… I’ll… I don’t know. I’ll never let you sleep again, Eli. That’s what I’ll do.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that; if she was implying she’d never let me sleep again because she’d never be satisfied, that didn’t sound like a punishment at all. Still, I had told her I would take care of her, and I’d done enough teasing — at least for now. The rest could wait for later.

I rearranged myself carefully, bracketing her body with mine before I lined up the tip of my cock, slowly pressing into her tight, warm entrance, inch by slow inch.

Iris made a tiny, despairing noise that made me see stars, my field of vision threatening to go white as she squeezed around my erection. I groaned and dug my fingers into the mattress, fighting against the desire to simply slide home. I fucked her gently, slowly, until we were finally slotted together, skin against skin.

Iris relaxed into the sheets with a little sigh. I leaned over her, pressing a kiss to her lips as I squeezed her bicep gently.

“Is this okay?” I asked, almost surprised by how rough my voice sounded. I began to withdraw with a slow rock of my hips, only making it halfway before I began to press back into her. “You like when I hold you down like that?”
