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“I’d like to propose a toast.”

Leaning back in the plush leather dining chair, I chuckled as my mother lifted her champagne flute in my direction. Her smile was full of love, as always, her brown eyes crinkling at the corners as she regarded me. “It’s not every day your only son becomes a man.”

“Kessa, he’s been a man for years,” my father interjected, raising an eyebrow in amusement, though his smile was full of adoration for his wife. They were the perfect example of what an alpha and his mate should be, and I had to admit, they’d set the bar pretty high. I’d consider myself lucky if my future mate and I got along half as well as my parents. Where some alphas’ marriages were made purely for political gain, my parents were truly in love.

“Yes, Bridger,” she said, indulging him, her dark eyes sparkling, “but you know what I mean. This is the year Holden will finally take his rightful place as alpha.”

And not just any alpha. My destiny was to be the leader of all the North American wolf packs, an alpha among alphas. To say it was humbling was an understatement. Even though I’d trained and prepared for this my whole life, the prospect of taking over for my father, who’d ruled with the perfect combination of fairness and force, was still daunting.

“I have six more months,” I reminded them. Pack law stated that the future alpha must take his rightful place within six months of turning thirty—but only after claiming a mate. Something I hadn’t spent much time considering until lately. My days were already full, especially with the recent bout of challenges raised by some of the North American packs. Choosing a mate hadn’t been top of my list. But all that was about to change.

“As I was saying,” Mother continued, sweeping her long golden-brown hair—just a touch lighter than my own—over her shoulder. “I’d like to make a toast. To my baby boy, who has grown into a wise, brave man. The future will be bright under your leadership, and I couldn’t be prouder of whom you’ve become.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Garrett—my beta and best friend—chimed in, lifting his glass of Tennessee whiskey.

I followed suit, as did my father and the two other members of my inner circle, Callan and Jax, who had joined us for the intimate celebration in our estate's private family dining room.

I sipped my whiskey, savoring the sweet caramel notes as I glanced around the table at the people closest to me in the world. No matter what happened, these five gathered to celebrate my birthday and would always have my back.

My mother watched me, pride in her gaze, as she set her champagne flute down on the smooth black and gold dining table. This room was decorated in my mother’s preferred style—elegant but understated luxury with the dark walls and furniture, the white marble floor, and the gilded chandelier hanging above. And of course, the bouquets of fresh flowers she always kept in every room of our estate.

She’d outdone herself for my birthday dinner, bringing out the best china and silver and doubling the normal amount of roses in crystal vases.

I reached for one of the dinner rolls, handmade by our chef, and spread the butter—molded in the shape of a wolf—before taking a bite. It had been a long day full of meetings with the council, and I was starving.

“How did your meetings go?” Mother asked as if she could read my mind.

Father and I exchanged glances. One pack, in particular, had been giving us trouble lately. While it wasn’t uncommon for there to be challenges to a future alpha’s ascension, the Southeastern Coastal pack had gone too far. They’d declined to send a representative to the council meetings only weeks after challenging me and my position—a challenge that had ended in a bloodbath.

I sipped my whiskey before replying. “While the council is mostly convinced that I’m ready for the job by this point, there are still a few packs questioning my abilities.”

Garrett snorted. “Let them challenge you, then. They can find out the hard way just how capable you are.”

Jax, my most loyal enforcer, frowned. “We’ve already proven that point with the dozen challenges Holden has won in the past year.”

More than any other alpha had received in recent history. Something we were all well aware of. It was frustrating knowing some packs still weren’t convinced I should be their leader, despite my father having spent my whole life preparing me to take over. Yet I’d won every challenge. My chest tightened at the unwelcome memories—of those shifters who’d refused to submit when I gained the upper hand, who’d chosen death over submission.

“I never told you winning over the packs would be easy,” my father said, his lips curving upward in a tight smile as if he could read my thoughts as well. “But I agree with Jax. You’ve proven yourself worthy of the title.”

Unlike some Old World packs, the North American pack alphas weren’t guaranteed their position by birthright. Just because I was the heir apparent didn’t mean I was immune to challenges. I’d always known I’d have to prove myself. I just hadn’t expected quite so much resistance.

“It’s only because Bridger has done such a fine job of bringing the packs together,” Callan said quietly. While he was soft-spoken and introspective, the complete opposite of Garrett, Cal’s intellect and diplomacy had earned him a spot in my circle years ago. “Change can bring fear.”

I had large shoes to fill. Before my father became alpha over a quarter of a century ago, there had been dissent, lawlessness, and violence. Bridger Wilder had managed to create unity, removing short-sighted alphas who thought only of themselves and replacing them with shifters who worked toward the greater good of our society. He’d implemented laws that changed the dynamics of the packs, bringing an era of peace like we’d never known before. I was committed to continuing his legacy.

“Well, it’s all but settled now anyway,” my mother said, waving her hand in the air like she was done with that conversation. “Once the Contention begins in a few days, you’ll be one step closer.”

Ah, the Contention. I stood from the table and walked over to the bar, pouring myself another finger of whiskey as Mother spoke fondly of the traditional competition to find an alpha’s mate. It was the final requirement I had to satisfy to become alpha.

I looked out the fourth-floor window at the vast grounds of our family estate, unease settling in my chest. In a matter of days, twenty women would arrive here, ready to do whatever it took to be the last one standing. Moonlight shone over the treetops that went on for miles to the west, reflecting off the Atlantic Ocean to the east. Waves crashed in their endless rhythm, nature oblivious to the chaos that would soon come our way.

“I remember the first time I laid eyes on you, Bridger,” Mother said, her voice full of warmth and fondness. “I knew I’d do anything it took to become your mate.”

Father chuckled. “It was a done deal the moment we met. The entire Contention was just for show. I knew you were the woman for me.”
