Page 46 of Marquess of Fortune

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The night had been long and painful, the day in the carriage equally so, but as the carriage pulled up in front of the Boxby’s estate, Ace felt as though he might be at his lowest point.

His father had owned a home like this, he knew that. But Ace had never visited.

This estate was massive, only growing larger the closer they got, the tree-lined drive perfectly and elegantly manicured to complement the stone-and-brick façade. Emily belonged in a place like this, not in his shabby townhome in Cheapside.

His arm and his head throbbed.

Pulling up to the stately double door, enormous granite steps in front, their party was met by a small army of servants who whisked them inside and up to stately rooms.

A bath and a large tray of food awaited Ace in his room and he stripped immediately, hoping that a long soak might cure some of what ailed him.

He ought to be happy. His sisters were safe and once the thieves were disbanded, he’d have what he’d been seeking.

He’d gotten everything he’d wanted prior to meeting Emily.

But somewhere along the way, his heart had begun to yearn for more. Yearn for her.

He sank deeper into the water, his arms resting on the sides of the tub. Even this bath was a reminder of all the reasons he couldn’t have her. Did each person who’d arrive have a hot tub of water like this? How many servants had it taken to accommodate five simultaneous baths ready precisely for their arrival?

He rose, drying himself off, gingerly shrugging on the waiting dressing gown and eating a few bites of food before retiring to the bed. He was tired and weak, the effort of appearing normal having sapped all his energy.

He closed his eyes, tossing an arm over his eyes as his other biceps throbbed in pain.

Shivering a bit after the bath, he heaved himself off the bed long enough to crawl under the covers. A knock sounded at the door. Was it Emily? Had she come to check on him.

“Ace?” Boxby’s voice called. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine,” he lied. “Is everything all right with the women?”

The door cracked open and Boxby peaked his head in the room. “They’re fine. You look like death.”

He lifted his head, moving his arm up for a moment. “You’re not that lucky.”

Boxby grinned. “Lucky? We just became partners. Why would I want you to expire now?”

Ace didn’t bother to mention that he was making Boxby’s plans for Emily much more difficult. Even he knew that. Imagine if Mirabelle or Anna fell in love with someone so wildly inappropriate. How would he react to such a situation? Boxby had been damned gracious.

“I don’t think my health is as bad as all that.” He’d just looked at the wound. While rough, it didn’t appear infected. At least not yet. “But if it is—”

Boxby stepped further into the room. “I owe you a debt of gratitude for the way you saved Emily yesterday. Know that if anything does happen to you, I’ll see your family is cared for.”

Ace gave a quick nod, grateful for the baron’s words. He was beyond grateful. Relief made him sink further into the bed as emotion clogged his throat. “Thank you.”

To know that his sister would be tended by someone like Boxby lightened the load on his shoulders tremendously. Ace had picked a good man to be his first partner. He closed his eyes. “I think I’ll see if some sleep won’t help me to live and you not to increase your dependents.”

Boxby gave a little chuckle. “Fair enough. I’ll let you rest.”

Ace closed his eyes. He liked to ask the baron, beg really, to trade that favor for a different purpose. To be allowed the chance to court Emily…

Still, he’d always had his priorities. And no matter how much he wished the circumstances were different, he wasn’t at liberty to court a woman like Emily and his responsibilities had always been crystal clear.

But he fell asleep dreaming of rich brown hair and warm eyes. Emily’s voice whispered through his mind as her soft arms held him as he slept.

Emily hadn’t seen Ace in two days. She was growing concerned.

She’d asked her brother to check on him twice.
