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The little chit.

Ace looked over at Miss Cross as she kept her eyes forward, tugging at his arm while she moved with as much determination as her delicate frame would allow. Was she avoiding his gaze?

She knew she’d interrupted. Then again, he’d been attempting to drag her off to question her so he supposed they were even in that regard.

How strange that she’d led him to the exact men he’d come here to meet.

He didn’t know the earl…

But the duke and Baron Boxby were the exact two lords he’d come to offer partial ownership in his club.

Ace had spent the last several months working at another club, the Den of Sins.

Technically, that was the job that made him a spy. He’d told no one there that he owned a competing club and that his goal in spending the last of his money buying a stake in Den of Sins was to learn what made them better than all the other clubs and implement those practices into Hell’s Corner.

It was an underhanded thing to do, and he hated himself for it, but his family had nearly run out of money and he had to find a way to make their business endeavor successful.

He tensed at the thought and Emily’s fingers fanned out on his arm, giving him a light squeeze. Had she sensed his frustration? Was she comforting him?

He looked over at her again. It had been ages since someone had comforted him. What would it be like to actually rest his head in her lap or against her bosom, those arms wrapped about him?

He shook his head, banishing the thought. Hadn’t he just got done saying he didn’t need another person to care for at the moment? And wives led to babies, which created a whole lot more work. More responsibilities. More money.

They stopped in an open spot on the dance floor and Ace took Emily’s palm in his, his other hand at her tiny waist.

Then again, for all she would need, she’d certainly give in return. He could feel that already. It was in her touch. Her eyes.

The music began and he started to move, her steps matching his with effortless grace. For a while they were silent and then finally, he leaned down close to her hear. “You’ve put me in a difficult situation.”

“How’s that?” she asked, leaning back so their gazes met again.

He tensed again at the warmth in her brown eyes. What was it about a woman with her back arched that was so damned appealing? He tightened his hand around the dip of her waist. “I was about to ask your brother to be a business partner with my brothers, which would mean revealing the truth about my family. But now you’ve insinuated that I’ve asked you to dance, which means your brother now considers me a potential suitor.”

She gasped. “Oh, but it’s one dance. Surely he doesn’t think…” she trailed off, that pretty flush filling her cheeks again.

“A bastard like me shouldn’t pursue a lady like you. Especially when he’s about to ask her brother to be his partner.”

Her chin tilted up then. “Then perhaps you shouldn’t have been attempting to drag me off.”

That was a fair point. “Perhaps you should not have accosted me when I was against the wall revealing you knew my family’s secrets.”

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have.”

Her admission caught him off guard. Usually, he had to fight for everything. To just have her admit she was wrong… He let out a sigh, realizing that he didn’t wish to take the conversation any further. He’d said his piece and what was done was done. What was more, dancing with her was…nice.

Better, it was divine.

She moved with him effortlessly, her body fitting into his hand in the most perfect way. And those eyes gazing up at him…

He pulled her a touch closer. “Thank you for saying that.”

And then she licked her lips.

Everything in him clenched.

“I’ll make it right with my brother,” she said, her gaze pleading with him.
