Page 101 of Ruthless Protector

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“Not for long,” I said as I turned away. “Not when I’m done.”



I paced the floor of the apartment, glancing out the window as the storm still raged. Tall palms whipped and swayed back and forth with the violent gusts of wind, and far in the night, the pitch black ocean crashed against the shore.

But it wasn’t the view of the water I wanted right now. I wanted to face the green rolling grounds, desperate to watch for Lazarus to return. But as the seconds grew into minutes, I became afraid he wouldn’t come back.

“You’re going to wear a track in the floor, you know that, right?”

I bit my lip and jerked my gaze toward Freddy, who stood near the door, his presence alone making me fearful. Was he here to protect me…orto keep me confined?I was naive if I thought I could trust him. His loyalty was to Lazarus…and Lazarus had left me. So that left me uncertain and afraid. I hugged my body and paced, trying to think of a way out if this all went wrong.Run and hide.That’s all that filled me.

But run where?

My phone gave abeep,drawing my gaze. Through the cracked screen, I caught the message.

Unknown: I’m starting to lose my patience, Katerina. Call me immediately and stop blocking my fucking calls.

My heart leaped at the sight. I snatched my phone free, punched in my code, and pressedblock number.Panic made my fingers tremble before I cast the phone onto the sofa once more. I needed to do something soon…First, I needed my gun.

My hand dropped to my belly and the splayed fingers caught the flutter deep inside, low, tiny. My thoughts became frantic as I tried to plan this all out.

“My Connie touched her belly like that.”

I froze, having forgotten for a second he was even there, and dropped my hand. “Sorry?” I forced a smile and glanced his way.

But the tall, brooding male just watched me as he leaned against the wall. Those careful eyes missed nothing, falling to my belly before finding my gaze once more. My pulse thundered as I held his gaze.Oh shit…oh shit…oh shit.

“Her belly,” he repeated with a slow nod. “She used to touch it just like that when she was pregnant, said she felt aquickening.”

I forced a laugh. “Pregnant? God, no.” I shook my head.

But there was no resistance in his eyes, he didn’t swallow my lie, and when the sound of the elevator opening came, he glanced at my belly once more. Then Lazarus was striding into the apartment, glancing at Freddy before shifted his attention to me. Something had happened in the short while since he'd left. Something that honed that harder edge in him. I felt it now as Logan followed, watching Lazarus like a damn hawk.

Dangerous…that’s what they were in this moment.

But were they dangerous for me?

“Everything okay?” I asked, desperate to gauge his emotions.

There was a second when he scowled before answering. “Yeah.”

Still he just stared at me like he wanted to say more…a lot more.I glanced toward Freddy, who'd kept his gaze fixed on me, and all of a sudden, the walls closed in.

“We’re downstairs,” Logan muttered. “In case you need anything.”

Lazarus just glanced at the bodyguard over his shoulder. “You going out there?”

“Yeah. I’ll keep you updated.”

A nod and the two guards left, and we were alone once more with the sound of the elevator doors closing.

“Laz?” I whispered. “What’s going on?”

He just dragged his hand through his hair. I caught the tremble, and the careful look in his eyes as he took a step closer. “I could ask you the same,” he answered. “You seem a little jumpy.”

I tried to slow my sawing breaths. “The storm, and you leaving, and I was attacked tonight. So yeah, I feel a little jumpy. Especially when you up and left.”
