Page 143 of Ruthless Protector

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Hale was waiting outside the building where Kat was being held captive…too precious to risk creasing his fucking suit. I wanted nothing more than to wear my goddamn ruin.I craved the feel of blood…

They wereallmy enemies this night.

All standing in my fucking way.

Unable to hold back a second longer, I yanked the handle as we cut around another corner. The door swung open and then thudded closed.

“Through that lane.Stealth, yeah?”Ice growled and jerked his gaze toward mine as he cut the engine, slamming us to a stop.“Leash him!”the mercenary growled to Logan as I yanked the handle and shoved the door wide. “Before he lets the entire fucking city know we’re here.”

I just smiled and lunged, driving my body through the darkness. There was no leashing me, not anymore. I was finally free. Free to become what I was created for.Nothing more than Stidda scum.



A brutal street thug.

And as I charged toward the darkened lane at the end of the street, the thunder of my boots mingled with my pulse. All I saw was her. Those sad fucking eyes that punctured my soul. That perfect goddamn mouth, lips that wrecked me.


She whispered inside my head.

I lifted my gaze, fixed in the darkness as Logan met my stride. We were too loud, too slow…too fucking everything.

“There.” Logan jerked his gaze toward a towering brick fence that surrounded the complex.

Movement came from my left, stepping out of the shadows. White eyes, dressed in black. The glint of steel shone in the moonlight.

Pfftt.Ice fired and charged as the guy fell. He jerked his gaze to mine, then lowered it to the gun in my hand, a gun without a silencer, and held his finger to his lips.Shh…

I got the fucking hint. I slipped my gun into the waistband of my jeans and stopped at the fence. Ice and Logan were up and over in an instant. Freddy stopped next to me as I ground my teeth, took a step backwards, then ran and lunged.

Air hit my face as I swung my feet, sliding over the top.



Shots came ahead of us. I couldn’t fire my gun, not without drawing attention. But as one of the armed bastards stepped out, Ice heading one way around the compound and Logan the other, he was all mine. That venomous side of my nature struck.

I wrenched back my fist and drove it into the fucker's face. He was bigger than me, heavier too. But I had rage on my side. I was already wretched, already damned, and as I took him down to the ground, unleashing that serpent with bestial blows, I lost myself in the movement.

All I saw was Hale.




“Laz,” Freddy called my name as he sucked in hard breaths, staring at the mess under me.

Deja vu hit me like a truck. I was back here, back to the beast, back to the rage, and I didn’t care. Instead, I welcomed it. The guy's head fell to the side. His face was smashed in, eyes bulging from the sockets as blood spilled along the concrete under me.

I shoved to a stand, my knuckles bloody, breaths hard. I just lunged, driving my body forward, as a scream cut through the night. A woman’s scream. Piercing.Like a knife through my fucking heart.

It was Kat...
