Page 146 of Ruthless Protector

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He jerked his gaze to mine, darkness waiting there. Confusion. Pain…and it was all my fault. But then we were moving. I wound my arms around his neck and clung tight as we stepped through the doorway and out into the cold.

“This way,” Logan directed.

Time slipped from me as darkness closed in. My teeth chattered, even though I wasn’t cold. I wasn’t anything. Just empty. Hollow and empty as Lazarus carried me down the stairs and hurried around the back.

“Give her to me,” Logan commanded.

My hold tightened around his neck at the same time as his did around my waist.

“You want Hale to see her?” Logan warned.

I lifted my gaze to those blue eyes and then shifted to Logan before Lazarus handed me over. Careful hands held me. But there was no affection, nothing more than strength as Freddy stumbled forward from out of nowhere, bloody and exhausted. He glanced over his shoulder as the screech of tires came.


Hale was here.

Lazarus was gone in an instant, lunging over the high fence.

“Hold on, Kat,” Logan urged.

I closed my eyes and tightened my grip as Logan lunged, punching out with one arm while he gripped me with the other, and with a grunt, we landed on the other side. Relief swept through me and tears followed silently as Lazarus stepped close, taking me from the bodyguard.

An engine started and headlights came on instantly as a four-wheel drive shot forward and skidded to a stop in front us. Cramps tore through my belly, making me curl over and whimper. Lazarus slid me along the rear seat and slid in after me. Freddy came from the other side. I closed my eyes as the doors slammed and we peeled away.

“Kat,” Lazarus called my name. “Kat, talk to me.”

I wanted to.

But what could I say?

“She needs a damn hospital,” Lazarus growled as he pulled me against him.

Sharp, searing agony made me cry out. I clutched my belly and tried to hold on, as I screamed until the darkness closed in.

“Hey…”Lazarus whispered, brushing my hair from my face, those blue eyes piercing in the night.

I thought he was a dream, a beautiful,brutaldream filled with vengeance and wrath.

But his voice was distant, fading even further as I closed my eyes.

Snatches of memories moved in. Lights flashed in my eyes, blinding for a second before they were gone. Pain slashed across my middle before a sting in my arm. A man murmured in my ear, offering words of encouragement. But I couldn’t hold onto those words, I couldn’t hear anything but the screams in my head.

Lazarus’s screams moved in like a rush, threatening and roaring. He was a man possessed with hunger. A serpent desperate to strike. That’s what I’d seen in his eyes when he charged into the apartment, his blue eyes spliced by black. I tried to find those blue eyes now. Desperation drove me to open mine. Thebeep…beep…beep…of a machine dragged me to the surface. And with it came the sight of thatbastardas he stepped out of the darkness and took aim at Lazarus.

It played in slow motion. All I felt was the terror and my heart breaking.

He’d die trying to save me.

But without him…I was dead anyway.

“Hey there.”

I blinked and turned my head, finding neon blue in the murky room. His face sharpened as he tried to smile, and winced instead. I tried to think, tried to focus, and looked at my hand in his. A needle stuck out of the back of my hand, clear liquid feeding into my vein. Heavy bedsheets covered my body, but they weren’t hospital sheets, and the murky gloom of this room filled with boxes and equipment told me this was no hospital room.

But my body…there was something about my body…

“What happened?” I asked, the words a husky whisper.
