Page 161 of Ruthless Protector

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“Don’t call me that,”I snapped, then jerked to my glare to Monica. “Andyou,I can’t believe you did this to me.”

But the sick sonofabitch I shared blood with only cared about one thing—himself. “I wanted to see you and my granddaughter.”

A man like him didn’t get to ask, not after what he’d done. “She’s not your goddamn granddaughter, andyoudon’t get to ask me a goddamn thing…unless you want to speak to my husband. I’m sure Laz will be only too happy to have a meeting with you.”

I caught the flinch in his eyes, the silence that followed spoke volumes. The last time my husband saw my father he threatened to kill him if he so much as glanced my way. Then in a quiet, careful tone he said. “Halestom wants to see her, Kat. He has a right; he is her father after all.”

My knees trembled. The room around me swayed.

I lifted my head, finding Gareth. He glanced at my father, concern flaring when he found the panic in my eyes. He moved in an instant, striding toward me.

“I’m leaving.” I snapped.

“Wait.” My father lifted his hand. “Let me go. I was the one who ruined this, I only wanted…”

I didn’t care what he wanted. I only cared about getting out of here. My breaths raced, still I couldn’t seem to catch them.You’re having a panic attack…I needed Laz. I just needed Laz.

Tears pricked my eyes, blurring the pram as I clasped Sophie in and wrenched the pram around.

“Stop.” My father lifted his hand and took a step backwards. “Don’t ruin your morning on my account. I’m leaving.”

Hard breaths consumed me. Monica looked up at him with needy eyes. Christ, she truly was pathetic. But if she thought my father was a substitute for her own daddy issues, then she was in for one hell of a shock. Unlike her absent father, mine just liked to whore his daughter out to all his sick, vile friends; even though I was a child.

Monica’s cheeks blazed red as she waited for him to give her his attention. But he never gave her a second of his time, just glanced at my bodyguard and then strode away.

“Wow, that was kinda rude,” Monica muttered as she glanced from my father to me.

I lunged, not giving a shit where I was, or who saw me, and grabbed her around the throat, unleashing the real me. “You pull another goddamn stunt like that and I’m going to show you a side of me you never want to see again.”

Her eyes were wide, shining with fear…until they filled with tears.

“Ma’am.” The waiter neared, horrified as he looked from Monica to me. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“That’s fine.” I shoved Monica backwards, releasing my hold. “I was leaving anyway. Lose my fucking number.” I glanced at the others. “All of you.”

My hands were shaking as I wheeled my pram around to the exit.

“Everything okay?” Gareth glanced toward my friends.

My throat thickened, but I sure as hell wasn’t about to cry in front of them. “Yes, just get me the hell out of here.”



Tears blurred my steps as I pushed the pram, wielding it like a weapon as I rushed toward the front door. A waitress stepped in my way at the last second, coming out of nowhere. Her eyes widened when she saw me, then she stumbled backwards. The coffee cups rattled in her hands.

“I’m sorry,” I offered, desperately trying to get out of the place without breaking down.

Gareth held the door open. He glanced around, watching those who walked past as I drove the pram through the door, then outside. “Home.” I swallowed the ache in the back of my throat. “Please take me home.”

He just nodded, then crossed the road, leaving me to walk close behind. I didn’t want to look for the sleek, Rolls Royce my father used, but I did. My gaze moved to the tinted dark windows and the personalised plate as his car pulled away.

It’s okay…it’s okay.

I tried to control my racing heart, but my hands were shaking, and my knees were weak. It took everything not to crumble in the middle of the street. I wheeled the pram to the rear of the car and lunged, opening her door.

“Ms. Rossi!” Gareth called.
