Page 60 of Ruthless Protector

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I was tall, far taller than her, but I let the woman take control, pulling me down. I closed my eyes with the kiss. It was barely a brush of her lips, barely the warmth of her breath. Still, I trembled, waiting for her. She took me again, this time kissing deeper.

Hunger moved between us. My fingers almost slipped from the end of the counter as she plunged her tongue into my mouth. A groan tore free, savage and guttural. It took my entire focus not to grab her and carry her to my bed.

But I knew somewhere deep inside, the second I did that, it’d be all over.

The spell would be broken.

The magic all gone.

Kat was unlike any other woman I'd ever known, way beyond the girls who came to the clubs and the hookups I frequently had. This was pure, and addictive.I wanted more.So much more. I opened my mouth for her, letting her take what she needed.

Heat moved through me at the thought.

I wanted her to use me.

To take what she needed.

My heart.

My soul.

My goddamn body.

My cock hardened in my jeans, but she never went further. Driving her fingers through my hair, she kissed me deeply, crushing my mouth with hers. The longer I didn't touch her, the more ravenous she became, as though she was free in those moments, free to do and have whatevershewanted. She let out a little groan that resounded through her mouth, savage and raw. Her body pressed against mine, her breasts mashed against my chest. Fuck me, she was into this, her fingers digging into the back of my neck. The more I thought about that, the more turned on I became. So was she, thrusting her hips against mine, chasing that heat between us.

I barely registered the sound of the elevator before someone cleared their throat. Kat broke away in an instant. She just looked at me, her forehead creased with a frown. Harsh breaths made her chest rise. She was rattled,really fucking rattled.I tried to come down from the high of her mouth. She wasn’t the only one shaken here. Her gaze moved to my father as he stood in the entrance of the apartment.

He glanced her way, then met my gaze. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything,” the asshole said with a smirk.

He damn wellknewhe was.

“No,” Kat answered, breathing deep. “I was just leaving.”

“I don’t think we’ve met,” Dad said, stepping forward, and held out his hand. “Benjamin Rossi.”

She just stared at his waiting hand for a second before taking it in her own. “Kat VanHalen.”

“Ah, the VanHalens.” He smiled.

But Kat just flinched and swallowed hard, and that panicked look filled her eyes once more. I licked my lips, feeling the thrum of my pulse in the tender flesh as I spoke. “I’ll message Logan to escort you home.”

She just smiled and nodded. “Thank you.”

I grabbed my phone and shot Logan a message, one I knew the bastard was expecting, as she made a move to leave.

“Kat,” I stepped forward, ignoring the growing smartass fucking grin on my father’s face. “I…I want to see you again.”

She gave a sad smile and glanced at my father as though deep down, he terrified her. Maybe he did…so how the fuck was I going to get past that?

“Maybe,” she murmured, and left, striding toward the elevator.

I couldn’t turn away, watching as the doors opened and she stepped through.

Then she was gone, leaving me alone with my grinning asshole of a father.

“So, a VanHalen,” he muttered.

“Shut the fuck up,” I growled.
