Page 9 of Ruthless Protector

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I shoved against Taken’s hand and shoved the gun to the top of the sear seat.

“Stay the fuckdown, kid,”Taken commanded, shoving me back down as I tried to rise.


Taken gave a grunted“Uhh!”above me.

I looked up into his wide eyes as his hold eased. He jerked forward, spluttering. Blood flecked across the back of the leather seat as the car braked hard. There was blood…lots of bloodpouring from a hole in the center of his throat to run down the front of him. He lunged forward and coughed, spraying warmth across my face. I froze…unable to look away from the terror in his eyes. There was a knowing, that this was it. The end. All to save me.

“Taken?” I croaked.

“Fuck!”Dad barked and crawled between the front seats to pull Taken backwards as the Explorer shot out from the side street and became airborne.

“Are you shot?” Dad cried as he flew into the air, hitting the ceiling hard.

We hit the asphalt with a huge jolt. My teeth gnashed together, tearing agony through my jaw and my head.

But I couldn’t answer…I couldn’t do a damn thing but stare into my Taken’s eyes as the darkness dulled.

“Lazarus! Are you shot?”

“No,” I muttered as warmth splattered my cheek again.

I grabbed Taken as we spun sideways.

“Fuckingbastards!”Dad screamed and lifted his weapon.

All I could see was Takenbleeding…dying right in front of me.

“Hold on!” Gravel bellowed from the driver's seat as we skidded sideways.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a black truck hurtling toward us, headlights blinding, horn blaring. The Explorer swung hard as we shot past the front of the rig and skidded to a stop, driving me across the rear seat, colliding with Taken and Dad. Darkness was all I saw…the black of the tires…and the shimmering midnight trailer as the truck roared past.

Harsh breaths consumed me. I tried to think, tried to breathe.

“Taken?” Dad barked, heaving his friend up from the seat. “Taken!”

But there was no life in the soldier’s eyes. They were glassy and unfocused, staring at the ceiling. I lifted my gaze to the blue Charger that shot out of the side street after us. My body moved before I knew it. The door was open in a heartbeat…and I was out of the car.

“Lazarus!”Dad roared as I rounded the front of the Explorer. My feet moved on their own as everything in my world slowed. I lifted my gun and strode across the street toward the Charger, aiming at the guy sitting in the driver’s seat.

They shot one of us…

Shot andkilled.


The side window shattered. The guy jerked, his hands rising to shield his face.


The Rossis didn’t run.


From anyone.

The driver slumped forward over the steering wheel. The blare of the horn shattered the vacuum inside my head and the thunder of footsteps filled my ears. I squeezed the trigger again, listening to the screams coming from the Charger. Doors were thrown open in an instant.
