Page 90 of Ruthless Protector

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I just shook my head. “No, you don’t want this…”

“Don’t I?” he growled as his hard cock bounced against his thigh.

I licked my lips and moved closer, turning to straddle him on hands and knees. The movement felt powerful,claiming my own hunger.I grabbed his wrist, my fingers barely closing around the girth before I lifted his arm and pressed his wrist against the wall. I was back in that moment with him underneath me, with the searing hunger roaring inside me. I had the power here.I had the control.

He stared up into my eyes “Use me, any way you need.”

His cock twitched with the words. I reached down and grasped him tightly, listening to that moan slip from his lips once more. So much power.Brutalpower, barely restrained.

I’d seen him beat a man almost to death.

He’d do more if I let him.

He’d kill, and hurt, and maim, and he’d do it all for me.

All for me.

But right now, with my fingers wrapped around his thick, hard length, he was nothing more than putty in my hands. “You want me touseyou?” I murmured.

“I want to fuck you,” he snarled, his eyes alight with savage hunger. “Ride my cock, my face, I don’t fucking care, just as long as you do it.”

I clenched my jaw with a savage need and worked my way down to the hilt of his cock before sliding all the way to the head. A tiny, glistening bead welled at the tip. One perfect tear. He dragged his teeth across his lip and groaned, his untied hand sliding from around the bedpost. I wanted that bead, wanted it in my mouth. I pulled back, letting his hand drop to the pillow beside him. But he didn't reach for me, didn't twist his fingers in my hair and ram his weapon into my throat.

Instead, he fisted the sheets, holding on as I slid lower…and licked the tip.

“Fuck me, I’m gonna come,” he warned.

“No, you won’t,” I urged, lowering again, taking more into my mouth.

Slick skin slipped across my tongue as I slowly pumped my hand, working that tight skin to the end and back again. The thick vein pulsed against my thumb. He was so hard…so very hard. But I wasn’t anywhere near done.

I rose, giving him one last lick, and ordered, “Move down the bed, Lazarus.”

He did as I instructed, his hands sliding along my thighs until I spread them wider for his chest. His gaze moved between my thighs.

“Is that okay?” I asked.

“Okay?” His eyes widened. “Fuck me, I’m about to explode just looking at you. Can I touch you?”

One nod, and he slid his thumb down the top of my slit, finding that tiny nub. Warmth moved through me, making me close my eyes.

“No, Kat,” he urged. “I want you to look at me.”

I did, meeting those perfect blue eyes. Blue eyes that didn’t remind me of anyone else. Blue eyes that were only Lazarus, and as he stroked me, I came alive.

“That’s it,” he encouraged as I lifted to meet his touch.

His fingers slipped along my crease before he curled one finger and slipped it just inside. He fucked me like that, teasing, torturing, his finger barely inside, before he slid it free. He gripped my hips, fingers digging into my ass as he pulled me upward, shifting my weight. Panicked, I lashed out, grasping his wrist as he settled me higher….so I straddled his head.

He lifted his head, his eyes not shifting from mine as he licked me gently.

“Oh shit.” I shuddered, my grip around his wrist easing.

“Let go, princess,” he moaned, moving lower.

His hands slid around my thighs, holding me against his mouth as he pushed his tongue inside me.

My hand moved to his head, my fingers sliding through his damp hair as I thrust against his mouth. “God, that feels so good.”
