Page 97 of Ruthless Protector

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“Did you…hurt her?” There was a warning in her voice, one that was far too fucking telling.

I waited for him to answer‘fuck no, I didn’t hurt her’,but he didn’t. He didn’t say the words, and my disdain for the fucking Salvatores just went a little deeper.You pieces of sh—

“I think she’s in trouble.” Finley’s words jerked me from the growing hate. “And she’s about to do something fucking stupid. Something I won’t be able to fix.”

“What the fuck?” I muttered. There was only one reason why he’d be rattled like this, only one reason why someone like Anna would run. “You think she’s going to talk? How much does she even fucking know about you, anyway?”

Finley just turned and met my eyes. I saw why the panic now, saw why all the fear. I didn’t need to hear the words, they were written all over his face, but still, he said them. “She knows it all.”



I knew what would happen if she did talk. I could see it all, Kat fucking broken when they found the body of her friend washed up on the beach. There was no way she’d make it off the island alive. “Then you’d better hope you find her, Fin.” The warning tore free. “Before it’s too late.”

He flinched at the words, the bastard paling in front of us, before he swallowed hard, gave a nod to Kat, and left. When the elevator doors closed with athud,Kat turned to me. “What’s going to happen?”

What’s going to happen?Nothing good. “He’s going to find her,” I answered, giving her the kind of hope I wish I had. “That’s what he’s going to do.”

Her brows furrowed. “And if he doesn’t, what then?”

A pang tore through my chest as I took a step closer. “Then we’ll figure it out together.”

Unspoken words filled her eyes, darkening the brown until they shone almost black. “All because she wanted to escape.”

“No, princess,” I murmured, and brushed the back of a curled finger along her jaw. “If she disappears, it’ll be because she spoke about things not meant to be spoken about.”

The color left her face then, turning her perfect skin to ashen gray under my touch. “Once you’re in, there’s no getting out, right?”

I didn’t understand why those words made such an impact. Surely, she understood the kind of men we were? And the kind of families we belonged to. She was on an island owned by the Mafia, for Christ’s sake.

“Would you do that to me?” She met my gaze. “Would you hunt me down and kill me because I said something I shouldn’t?”

“Hunt you down?” I repeated, the words hurting more than they should. “Princess, I’d tear the vast reaches of Hell apart to find you…if that’s what you wanted.But I’d never hurt you, not in a million fucking years.”

Her breaths deepened and her pupils dilated. She seemed to draw in my words and carve them into her fucking soul. “You’d never let anyone else come for me, right?”

“Not unless you wanted them to,” I answered, lowering my head. I wanted to kiss her, wanted to breathe life into those pale lips, lips that just seconds ago had been pink and lush, filled with life.

“And if I didn’t?”

A twitch came at the corner of my mouth at the thought. “Then you'd never have to worry about them ever again.”

Damon Zakharov.

That’s who she was talking about. It didn’t take a fucking genius to figure it out. I cupped her jaw, tilting her mouth up to mine, and kissed her. She was trembling, her arms still wrapped tight around her chest defensively. But the deeper the kiss grew, the more she warmed to me, lowering her hands and sliding her arms around my waist. This was how I wanted it to be between us.Always protected…always safe.Her fingers splayed against my shoulder, pressing me harder against her.

She moved against me, rubbing and moaning. That tiny, dangerous, little sound vibrated through my mouth before she pulled away. I wanted to stay with her, wanted to lift her feet from the floor and take her to our bed. I wanted to fuck her until the shadows in her eyes brightened, and the only man that lingered in her head was me. I wanted to taste every fucking inch of her…claim her over and over again so thatanyman who came near her knew who’d come for him if he dared fucking touch her again.

Because the woman was mine.

Not to own, or to control. And not to fuckinguse.

But to protect, to cherish, to pull out of the darkness and into the bloody, dangerous light that was my world…and my family.My thoughts drifted to Logan. A man like him would fucking destroy anyone who dared touch her…if I wasn’t around. I needed that, someone I could depend on.But what if it became something more between them? Could I live with that?

I broke the kiss and stared into her eyes. I wasn’t sure if I could. But there was one thing I did know…I wasn’t done with Damon Zakharov.“I need to go out for a little while,” I whispered. “You think you’ll be okay here?”

“Now?” she scowled. “It must be like one or two in the morning.”
