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Laura was in the kitchen, cooking. I could hear her chatting on the speakerphone with a friend of hers from her computer classes. She’d started off being a student in the class, and had taken over after a year, and become the teacher. I stared at the files on my desk. I was recruiting for Sigma Squad Bail Bonds. We had grown bigger quickly in the wake of everything that happened with Brian Lavin.

Now, we were expanding, and struggling to cope with demand. Emily was on the faster track to become a skip tracer, but that was on the backburner until she was trained up. Hunter and Troy were solid as ever, but we needed some new blood. I had my eye on a guy who’d left the military a few years ago and fallen in the local biker gang. Kane was a good guy, from all I could see, but he needed purpose and a new direction. Sigma Squad Bail Bonds could be that for him. The other CVs on the pile were women. I’d made a mistake not taking on more female employees before I met Laura. Since then, I’d had a healthy number working in the office, or out in the field. If Laura had taught me anything, it wasn’t to underestimate anyone. Smarts, grit, and guts came in all kinds of packages. I put my top pick to the side, a woman straight off active duty who’d had some trouble during discharge. She was a single mom, and that only seemed to make her more driven. I’d call her and Kane tomorrow and give them an offer.

Done with work for the day, I pushed back from my desk and wandered through to the kitchen. Tantalizing smells rose from the cooker, and I came up behind Laura, as she stirred a pot of stew on the stovetop. Outside, fall was approaching quickly, the trees turning, and the mist creeping over the forest. It was cozy as hell inside as rain dropped in long streaks down the windows. I pressed Laura against the counter and wrapped my arms around her waist.

“Where’s Benji?”

“Sleeping over at next door’s house,” she reminded me. Right. Next door, we had a couple move in with two kids, a girl and a boy. Benji had gotten on with them right from the first meeting.

“Are you only just telling me now that we’re alone?” I murmured, sweeping her hair back over her shoulder. My lips found her skin, then.

“Hm, I guess I am. What are you going to do about it?’ Laura wondered, turning around and giving me a sweetly innocent smile that set my blood on fire. My wife was anything but innocent in the things we liked to do to each other.”

“I don’t know, I was thinking of fucking my wife on the kitchen counter, while dinner cooks, and then taking her to bed to take my time for round two and three,” I said, already backing her up against the counter, a safe distance from the stove.

She put a hand to my chest and halted me. “Wait, what’s that?” she asked, concern creasing her forehead. She was looking over my shoulder. I turned instinctively and realized my mistake too late.

Laura darted away, throwing me a mischievous look as she went. “I can’t believe you fell for that one.”

“Sweetheart, if you run from me, I’ll only go harder on you when I catch you,” I called to her.

She laughed, her voice full of anticipation. “Promise?”

I grinned, pushing off the counter, and prowling in her direction. Life would certainly never be boring with my darling wife.

The hunt was on.

* * *
