Page 30 of Fire

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"Gregory?" I am unsure about the whole setup now. It's so creepy, and I doubt I'll survive in such a place. I have always longed for simplicity, but the building before me looks like it's filled with so many dark secrets.

The memory of the alley comes to mind again. "Gregory, stop the car!" I say as he is about to go through the iron gates.

He looks at me, confused. "Anything the matter?"

I am breathing hard and fast. I am sitting on the edge of the leather seat. I look back to the road behind me, to the life behind me.

Leave now and search for another job?

Then I look before me to a place that looks like a fucking prison and reeks of gloom.

I can't go back. I need to make money for Maya, and then I have to pay Paul back for all he has done for me somehow. Then there is Sasha too. Working in the Romano residence means I'll get to experience independence once again.

I can do this. Of courseI can. Mrs. Fox and Mike will be somewhere in the spirit world slapping their forehead in disappointment.

Okay, I can do this. No need to freak out all because of external appearances."Do you wish to return home, Emily?" Gregory asks, worried.

Home. What will this new home be for me? Depressing, peaceful or…

I shake my head. "No. I am fine. I just felt nauseous, that's all."

Gregory gasps. "Then I must take you in quick. Mr. Carl won't be happy to hear that."Carl.

That's his name.

The one who sends the emails. I can't wait to meet such a character.

