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I really should hire someone soon.


Packing my laptop into my bag, thankful my web design class is over, I yawn. I just got finished last night, helping my friend, Hayley, and her friend, Alix, with putting together a product selling and appointment setup with their new online website. I’m so proud of the product I made. Not only are they making me keep my logo on the site, but they both told me to make sure I use the website in my portfolio. I designed their first one years ago but it was just a demo, couldn’t buy anything or do anything, just showed pictures of the staff and all that. It was sort of lame, but thankfully I’ve learned so much more since then and have been able to help even more.

I walk out the door and head over to Tim Hortons for a donut and hot chocolate. The line moves surprisingly quickly, and for once, I’m so early for my next class, I just find a seat at the table in the courtyard of the campus.

I pull out my laptop and start working on my personal website. Setting up logos and the like. “Oh wow, that’s really good. Did you design that?” a cheery voice asks from over my shoulder.

“Yes, it’s my major,” I say, trying to ignore the peppy girl.

“You mind if I sit here?” she asks politely.

“Go for it. No one else is.” Probably because most people avoid me like the plague. “Why are you wanting to sit near me, anyway?” I ask, looking up from my laptop, narrowing my eyes at her.

She smiles while looking confused. “Am I not supposed to?”

“Most people avoid being near me at all costs, in case you haven’t noticed,” I tell her, swiping my hand down at myself, wearing a cut up skull skirt, and a tank top that shows off the tattoos covering up all my cleavage that’s showing, then realizing this is Barbie from class on Monday.

“Thankfully, I'm not most people. Like I said before, I don’t care what someone looks like, or what they’ve done in the past. I only care about the kind of person they are on the inside. So unless you are a raving madwoman, serial killer, I think you’ll do just fine.”

I shake my head. Chick is fucking nuts.

“Anyway, are you dating anyone?” Alana asks me.

“Nope, I’ve never been into the dating thing.”

“Well that’s too bad, sex is good and all, but having sex with the one person you really care about, is the best feeling in the world.”

“How do you know I’m not a virgin?” I ask snottily.

She shrugs. “Girl like you? You’re beautiful, plus you don’t blush when sex is talked about. Virgins blush.”

I laugh, “That’s true, I suppose.”

“I have a feeling there is a story, but you don’t have to tell me.”

“It’s not a big deal really. When I first got to college I was partying hard. Got too drunk a few times, woke up next to two different guys and some chick. Swore to myself after that I was done. That’s when the rumors about me being a whore started. Both guys apparently had girlfriends, blah blah blah, usual bullshit. Then I had a pregnancy scare, thank God, my period showed up a few days later, or I really would have been in shit. But that’s it,” I tell her honestly. It’s not like I hide my story from people, just from my sister and my dad. Don’t want to give my sister power over me, and don’t want to disappoint my dad.

She looks at me with sympathy and I’m trying so hard not to roll my eyes, until she gets a weird look on her face. “I’ve always wanted to try a threesome with another guy, but I don’t think I would like to have a penis stuck up my butt.” I stare at her in shock, then burst out laughing.

For the next two weeks, Alana is practically everywhere I go. Basically, forcing me to be her friend. I was almost worried that she was stalking me. If I went to Tim Hortons for a hot chocolate, there she was. If I went to the library to work on class assignments, there she was. But she was there before me each time, so I couldn’t accuse her of stalking. It’s just weird, no one has ever gone through so much trouble to try and befriend me. Especially with girls.

I don’t know what it is with Alana, but the bitch is growing on me.
