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Chapter 8


“Seth!” I shout from my office.

“Yo, Boss, what’s up?” he says, coming in. I hired Seth a week ago, after he and his girlfriend Emma, came into my store. Seth is going to be going to the local college and needed some work. After talking with him about bikes, I offered him the job.

“I need you to finish painting the frame for Mike’s bike that’s out in the paint shop. After that you can get on home.”

“Sure thing, boss man.”

A few hours later, Alana comes in, looking tired, carrying her books from class.

“Hey, babe, how were classes today?” I ask her, taking the books out of her arms and setting them on the desk.

Yawning, she replies, “Good, I have a feeling I’m gonna ace all of my classes. They are all easier than I ever thought they would be.”

“Then why so tired?” I rub her shoulders and she groans. It’s seductive. The sound she makes when we make love.

“Because it’s a long day, and you know I’m used to afternoon naps,” she says, smiling tiredly over her shoulder.

I chuckle, shaking my head. “Well, get used to it, with school those naps are gone, and once you open your clothing shop, again, no naps.”

“Boo,” she says, sticking out her tongue. “Need any help closing up? I need to get back to our place so I can finish my paper that’s due on Monday, and then I just want to go to bed.”

“Head on home, I’ll grab some burgers on my way.” She looks so sleepy.

She shakes her head no. “I’m not leaving until we can both leave, so let’s hurry this up. That way I’m not already asleep when you bring home food.”

“Fine, you close out the books, I’ll go let Seth know he can head on home.” I grin at her and she bites her bottom lip, making me think just maybe I will have her for dessert.

She walks behind the desk and takes out the cash register and end of day sales and starts looking them over. I walk into the backroom and see Seth finishing the paint job. “Hey, man, you can head on out now. Alana and I are closing out the day.”

“Cool. Catch ya later, boss man.” He tosses me the empty paint can and grabs his bag and jacket, taking off out the front.

I go back out to Alana and notice she’s done with the register. “Why don’t you start some homework, while I finish up the online stuff and do stock take?”

“Sounds good to me,” she says as she scoots her chair over and flips over the books. I’m just settling into my chair beside her when the bell over the door goes off. Shit, I forgot to lock it.

The woman walking in is Emma, the girl that came in with Seth when he applied for the job. “Seth just left,” I call out to her as she walks forward.

She gives me a wink. “I know, I watched him leave.”

I narrow my eyes at her and shake my head. What is she up to?
