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Chapter 20


I came to tell Kristi everything. Tell her the truth, tell her I love her and really want to be with her. I can’t take this anymore. The guilt that has been eating at me, is becoming too much. So I take Alana’s advice to go to her and just be honest.

What I didn’t expect is to show up here and have Emma bring my world crashing down.

I race up the stairs to Kristi’s place, after Emma continuously apologizes for ruining everything. I can’t let this be the end of us. I came to tell her the truth and hope to fuck she forgives me.

I bang on the door, “Kristi, let me in, we need to talk!” I yell.

“Go away, Bryce!” she yells back.

“I’ll stand out here all day, banging and shouting the place down if you don’t let me in,” I tell her through the door.

She unlocks it, letting me in. “Speak, then leave.” she states, glaring at me.

“I’m so sorry you found out that way. I came to tell you the truth, but Emma beat me to it,” I tell her honestly.

She snorts. “Right, you wanted to break my heart in person, huh?” She stomps to the living-room, and brings back a stick. “Here, you may as well know. Looks like you are stuck with me for the next eighteen years. Sorry the whole ‘dating me for money’ plan fell through.”

I look at the stick, and see the positive pregnancy test staring back at me. “We’re pregnant,” I say smiling.

“No, I’m pregnant. You can be there if you want, but you and me, well, I want nothing to do with you ever again,” she says, sounding pissed.

“I came to tell you the truth, Kristi, and to tell you that I’m in love with you,” I tell her, placing the stick on the coffee table in the living room.

“Right, whatever. I don’t believe a word of it. You have Alana. You know, the one that has been trying to get me to be her ‘bff’ for the last seven months? She’s your girlfriend. You can go back to her,” she says.

I shake my head. “She wants me with you. Alana and I realized that we weren’t in love with each other. She made me realize that you and I are perfect for each other. And we officially broke up the day after we first made love, Kristi. That was three months ago,” I tell her, pleading with her for her to let me talk.

She shakes her head and storms to her door, opening it. “You need to leave. I’ll send you random texts and emails to keep you updated on the baby. But I never want to see you again,” she says, tears running down her face, not looking at me.

I get up and move to the door. I grab her by the back of the head and bring her in close. “I’ll give you some time and space, but I won’t stop fighting for you,” I tell her. I give her a quick hard kiss on her lips, and leave.

I’m not even fully out the door, when she slams it shut, literally hitting me on the ass.


I make it to my house and notice Alana’s car in the driveway.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” she says, coming out of the kitchen with a box. “Sorry, I wanted to come by one more time because I was missing a few items, and thankfully I found them.”

“She knows,” I say quietly, ignoring her last sentence.

“Oh my God. Does she know about me?” she says, fear in her voice.

“She knows everything,” I tell her looking down at my shoes.

“Oh no. She must hate me,” she says.

“She hates us all, including her sister right now. She’s pregnant with my kid, and I can’t do anything about anything right now,” I tell her, holding back emotions.

“She’s pregnant?” Alana asks, shocked.

I nod.

“You need to fight then, Bryce! What the hell are you doing here?” she asks, getting pissed.
