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Chapter 22


For two weeks I’ve been hiding out at my dad’s house. Emma came by last week, but Dad kept her away, said it would be best if I didn’t see her right now. I loved him for it, but at the same time I was so angry at him too. Even he fucking knew what was going on. My own father. How could he do that to me? It’s like everyone in my life was out to hurt to me.

I turned my phone off the second I was on the road home and haven’t turned it back on since. That hasn’t stopped the house phone and my dad’s cell from going off constantly. After the first two days, Dad stopped coming to ask me if I wanted to talk to Ava, Emma, Alana, or Bryce. Of course, I said no each and every time.

Now I’m laying on my bed, staring blankly at the wall when my bedroom door crashes open. Sitting up, I look, and narrow my eyes. My anger is boiling at the top now.

“What the fuck are you doing here, you bitch?” I snap at Alana.

She crosses her arms and glares back at me. “Trying to make this shit right, obviously. You are going to hear me out, and I’m not leaving here until we’re best friends again, and I’m taking you to your doctor’s appointment tomorrow. So sit there and keep your mouth shut!”

I snort, “Seriously? You think you have a right to even be in my room right now? Talking to me? Fuck you!” I throw my pillow at her, but miss as she steps to the side, leaving the pillow to fly out my door.

“Yeah, well fuck you too! I know what we did was wrong, okay. Bryce and I didn’t want to do this at first. The second Emma showed him your picture, and he remembered you from when you were kids, I saw it on his face that he wanted you. I didn’t want to admit it at the time; my relationship was over then and there. But it was. Should he have taken the money from your sister? No, he shouldn’t have, he should have just dated you on his own accord. Because he’s in love with you. And just so you know, we broke up the very next morning, officially, after you two made love, made that baby. Should we have broken up way before then? Damn right we should have. But we can’t go back. We didn’t so much as kiss each other the entire time you two were together. Sure, we lived together, but that was it.”

Rolling my eyes, I sit on the edge of my bed, getting close to her. “What about the money, huh? Did you and Bryce get a bonus for that? Now that I’m pregnant, will he get extra cash for that, too?” I sneer at her.

I didn’t see the slap coming, the second my head snaps to the side, I pounce. Toppling her over, I bitch slap the hell out of her. “I fucking hate you, do you know that!?” Slap. “I hate what you all did to me.” Slap. “You got my best fucking friend to lie for you.” Slap. “My dad.” Slap. “I fucking hate you!” I scream again, as I slap her some more. I don’t even realize that tears are pouring down my face until I’m lifted off Alana, into my dad’s arms.

“Hush, baby girl. Think of the baby. Calm down,” he whispers into the back of my neck.

I look to Alana, her face is red from my hand, and she’s crying like I am.

“I’m so sorry, Kristi. If it makes you feel any better, Vinny ended up giving Emma back all her money, and he’s paying for the shop construction. Bryce didn’t turn him down for the offer, because he wanted to make it right. He felt like if he kept that money from Emma, he would always feel dirty for doing this to you, more than he already does.”

My dad lets me go and I collapse on the bed, sobbing. He helps Alana off the floor. “You can stay in Emma’s room tonight. Give her some time, what you all did was shitty, but I know Bryce loves her, and she loves him. My girl is stubborn, but I have faith she’ll get her head out of her ass.”

As they walk out of my room, I hear Alana whisper, “I’m so sorry, Kristi, I love you. Please forgive me.”

Could I though? Could I forgive her?

I don’t have the answers right now. But I can say that slapping the shit out of Alana felt good, even though my hands are stinging right now. Maybe I can do the same to Emma.
