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Chapter 25

Two months later


Two damn months and Kristi still hasn’t talked to me. I get little text updates from her, letting me know the baby is doing fine. But that’s it. Why the fuck can’t she just talk to me? She forgave Emma, Alana, her dad, Ava. Everyone. Everyone except me.

“Knock, knock.” Alana says, coming into my house.

“Get out,” I slur at her.

“Nope, you’re gonna get sobered up, and finally try and talk to Kristi. I think she’s ready for you.”

“I blame you too, you know. You were so excited for this whole charade to start up. Tell me why.”

She looks down, guilty. “When Seth started working for the shop, I met Matt a few times and started falling for him. I sort of saw this as an opportunity to have you fall for someone else so I wouldn’t feel so bad.”

“So instead of having the balls to tell me you wanted to break up, you went along with this whole thing!” I shout, throwing my half-empty bottle of Jack at the wall, shattering it.

“Don’t shout at me! You did the same thing, you were falling for Kristi since the day you bumped into her, and wouldn’t break up with me!” she screams. “You even admitted that you were jacking off in the shower thinking of her, before this thing started!”

“Fuck you!”

“No, fuck you! You keep blaming everyone else, except yourself. You are just as much in the wrong as the rest of us. Deal with it!” She turns around and walks out the front door, slamming it behind her.

A text comes through and I grab it quickly, stumbling slightly, and see it’s an ultra sound picture. ‘It’s a Boy’ printed on it. I’m having a boy. Holy shit.

I grab my keys and stumble out of the house, kicking over a few bottles of Jack I had laying around and get in my car. I shouldn’t be driving, not being this drunk, but I need to go see her. I need to make her listen to me.

I need to tell her I love her, that I want to marry her and spend our lives together.

As the light changes I start to go but get blinded by bright lights, coming directly at me from the driver’s side, and before I can figure out what’s going on, everything goes black as I try to swerve out of the way, but I’m not fast enough.


As I’m about to fall asleep my bedroom door crashes open causing me to jump up. “What the hell? You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sweetheart, we have to get to the hospital, Bryce was in an accident,” Dad says, going through my drawers and tossing a few things on the bed. “Get dressed quick, and we’ll head out.

Oh God, Bryce. I was going to surprise him tomorrow, ready to talk, ready to try and work this out between us. Now I’ve lost my chance.

Scrambling out of bed, I stumble a bit as I pull on my pants, throw my hair up in a messy bun, and run down the stairs, out the front door, quickly get into the car.

As we’re driving on the highway, the sound of bikes fills the silence. Looks like we have a convoy. They speed past us, and Dad speeds up some more, keeping in pace with them.

We make it to the hospital in record time, all the bikes and my dad’s car parked illegally as we all rush inside.

We’re all ushered to the family waiting area and I feel as if time doesn’t move, as if it’s frozen. I pray to God Bryce is okay.

Two hours later my name is called. “Kristi.” I look up to see Vinny standing in front of me, with his hand held out. I grab it and he pulls me up from my seat. “He’s okay, a few cuts and scrapes, but otherwise he’s fine. Idiot was driving drunk, which is going to earn him a beat down when he gets out of here.”

I sag with relief. “Can I go see him?”

He smiles at me. “Yeah, when he heard you were here, he demanded you be brought in.”

He walks me down the hallway and into a private room. I see Bryce on the bed, look bruised up. Tears rush to my eyes as I stand there looking at him.

He looks up and gives me a sad smile and whispers desperately, “Please, Kristi, forgive me, I’m so fucking sorry.”

Rushing to him I take his hand in mine. “I’m so sorry for being such a bitch and taking so long to come to you.”

“Nothing to forgive. I’m sorry I caused all this shit in the first place.”

“I love you,” I tell him, as tears fall.

“I love you, too.” He wipes my tears away.
