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Chapter 5


I head to my shop and notice my brother, Vinny standing by the door. He’s wearing a beanie and flicking his Zippo open and closed. “What do you want?” I ask him.

He shrugs shoving his lighter in his pocket. “What, I can’t come by and say hey to my big brother?”

We haven’t really gotten along since he joined Satan’s Law MC. It’s always been a sore spot for us. “Haven’t talked to you in a few years, so you aren’t here to just pop by and say hey.”

He moves from the spot he was leaning against and crosses his arms. “I came by to tell you that everything’s different now. Satan’s Law is no more. I knew that you’ve always hated me for joining the club, figured now that shit is different we could put it behind us.”

I snort. “I already knew about that shit. Mom told me about it. Also told me how you knocked up Lilly and that bitch, Kayla.”

He clenches his jaw. “Don’t fucking talk about Kayla like that, you know she wasn’t a bitch. Plus, if you must know she’s fucking dead.”

My eyes bug out. “When? How?” I feel like a huge dick now. She may have hurt me, but I never wished her dead.

“A few months before Hilary, didn’t think to tell you when you came for her funeral. But for some reason her mother told me I should let you know,” he says sounding confused. “Not sure why you’d care about Kayla being dead, though.” Hilary’s death hit everyone hard. I never had feelings for her, she was just a friend, but her husband, Mason, sure didn’t think so, he thought she was cheating on him, hell at one point he thought she was cheating on him with me. That asshole got his shit together too late, and lost her for good. Last I heard though, he has moved on and treats his new wife better than he ever did Hilary.

“Actually, I do care, considering she was my girlfriend the whole fucking time she was in college,” I blurt out.

“Wait what?” he asks me, shocked. Shit, I forgot he probably didn’t know that.

I run a hand over my head and sigh. “Yeah, we didn’t hook up right away, I moved away after Hilary lost her baby, mostly because I couldn’t be in the same damn town Mason was in, otherwise I would have killed him. I ran into her. We dated a good long while, and then I found out she was only dating me because she was still in love with you. I broke up with her, she moved back home.”

“She never told me,” Vinny says, looking down at his motorcycle boots. “I guess that’s why her mom has been on my ass, asking why you didn’t go to her funeral and shit.”

“Why would you even care? Thought you loved Lilly?”

“I do, but I still cared for Kayla. Hell, she had my child.”

“This whole talk is stupid, what are you really doing here?” I ask him.

He pulls off his beanie, scratches his head, and looks up at me. “I know Mom was a bitch and took all your trust money, and I know you’ve been struggling with this shop, I was hoping you’d let me help you out.”

“No.” I move past him, opening my shop.

He follows me inside. “Why not? You need it, I want to help you out. You’re my brother, man.”

“Look, little brother, I don’t want your fucking handout, okay! I can do this on my own.”

“Why don’t you tell me the truth, huh? I know that’s not it.” He glares at me as he flips his lighter open and closed.

“I've already told you. I don’t want your fucking handout!” I shout.

He puts his hands up in surrender. “Fine, man.” He walks toward the door, stops, and looks back over his shoulder. “I don’t know why you want nothing to do with me, I’m your brother, and fuck, man, I love you. Even when you’re being shitty.” With that he just leaves.

I know I should have taken him up on the money, but I also know my mother. If she found out I was taking handouts from Vinny, she’d have my head.

She’s always been such a damn bitch when it comes to Vinny, although it only started when he started dating Lilly. Mom fuckin’ hated that, since Lilly represented her ‘lost love.’ Sam didn’t even like my mom, even I know that my mom is a whore. She will sink her claws into anything that will have her.

What Vinny and Alana both don’t know is that I’ve been talking with a lawyer friend of mine, and I’m taking my mother to court over the money she stole from me. I highly doubt she’ll be able to pay anything back, but the lawyer I spoke to said she’d most likely would go to prison for it.

I can’t believe Vinny showed up here like that. We haven’t been close in years. Sure, I saw him at Hilary’s funeral seven years ago, but otherwise we’ve never had anything to do with one another. I’m surprised our mom didn’t contact me about Kayla since she knew we dated. This is why I hate this fucking family, no one tells each other shit all.

Kayla and I weren’t serious, not really. We ate together, slept together, but nothing like what Alana and I have now. Kayla wasn’t terrible, but I was pissed at her on Lilly’s behalf that she kept her affair with Vinny going, knowing he was never leaving Lilly. It didn’t overly surprise me, considering I had found out after a year of being together, she was only screwing with me because I looked like my brother. Kayla had been obsessed with him since we were all kids. How Lilly is still is with him, I’ll never know. She has to live with Kayla’s child, being reminded day in and day out what her husband did to her.

Scrubbing a hand over my face, I blank the family shit out, and get behind my desk to sort out my work day.
