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Work is strained, everyone there doesn’t want anything to do with me. Lacey is constantly calling me, showing up at work, saying she wants to talk about Lolita. The bitch named our daughter after my dead one with Trix, so I can only call her Lita. Every visit Lacey makes always ends up with her trying to talk me into taking her out for a date, which is never going to happen. The last few days, Lacey has started to call our child Lola, and that has pissed me off so much, I made sure to put a stop to it. I feel like we travelled back in time and are watching the whole Kayla/Vinny/Lilly bullshit all over again. The only difference is I can’t stand Lacey, she was a drunken mistake that I can’t really even remember, and I’m married.

I tried to reach out to Vinny for advice, but that ended with me getting a busted lip and a black eye. I didn’t say a word to him, except for ‘hey, Zippo,’ then I was knocked out.

Once Jess found out what I did I was promptly kicked out of their place, and even Allan was in the dog house for a while because he failed to mention to her why exactly I ‘separated’ from Trixie. Allan did help me find an apartment downtown. It’s small, but it fits everything I need in it, and I have a room for Lita when she stays with me.

Locking up my apartment, I decide to go out for something to eat. Spotting Eden’s diner just up the street, I jog there and walk in. The place is busy, but there are still a few seats available. After placing my order, I start playing a game on my phone when I hear her name.

“That Trixie …fuck. Chris is such an idiot for letting her go. I get hard every time I see her,” someone says.

“Don’t.” I recognize that voice. Officer Thrane.

“Oh yeah, sorry. Mr. Chief of Police here has the hots for the newly separated, totally hot, Trixie Crescent,”the other officer tells the group they are with.

I clench my fists on the table, forcing myself to stay seated.

Someone lets out a low whistle. “Damn, she turned me down for a date a last month. Second, I found out she was single, I took my shot. Not sure what that fuck up Chris is doing, to just up and leave her like that with no reason given.”

“Chris is a fucker, but his loss is my gain. Trixie is mine, you all need to back the hell off,” Thrane declares. “And thereisa reason, Trixie just doesn’t know it yet.”

Shit, does he know?

“That asshole cheated on Trixie, just days after she gave birth to her stillborn daughter, and knocked up Lacey.” All the air leaves my lungs, and I struggle to breathe. How does he know?

“How’d you know that? That can’t be true. Trixie is one in a billion, no man would do that to her.”

“I know it’s true considering that’s the gossip around town, and the fact that Lacey herself is sharing the news far and wide, even showing off the kid. Lacey is a lot of things, but she’s not a liar.”

I’m gonna strangle that bitch, she isn’t supposed to be telling anyone shit about Lita. I told her I needed to be able to figure out how to tell Trixie myself. I can’t have her finding out from someone that isn’t me. I shoot her a text –Need to talk. Urgent.

Sure thing, baby daddy,she replies.

Fucking hate when she calls me that.

“Lacey is saying that? You can’t believe her, that girl is fucked in the head. I don’t know why the hell she bothered coming back to this town. The Angels Warriors hate her, all the women in town hate her.”

“Truth or not, when Trixie finds out what Chris did, no way she’ll go back to him, and I’ll be there to pick her back up. Guarantee you this time next year she’ll be wearing at least one of my rings,” Thrane tells his buddies.

His friends roar with laughter. “Dude, what the fuck happened to the Mr. Slut Cop?” one of them asks.

“Found the one. When you know, you know.” Is all he says.

Fuck this.

I stand up and tell the waitress to bag my food to go and walk over to the table.

“Stay away from my wife,” I warn Thrane.

He smirks at me. “You don’t want her, but you won’t let anyone else have her?”

“You don’t know shit.” I grab my take-out bag from the waitress and leave. I hate that fucking cop.

The last few years I’ve seen him around town, always with a different woman, but it’s never stopped him from talking to Trixie, even when I’m around. He’s made it clear for years that he wouldn’t hesitate to have her.

But I sure as hell ain’t gonna let that happen.


I watch Chris storm out of the diner and shake my head. “You know he won’t let you have her right,” Lenny states.
