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“I need you to leave,” I tell him.

He grabs my shoulders and shakes me slightly. “Trixie, we can work this out, I’m going to get custody, you can adopt her, we can be a family.” He begs me.

I shake my head. “I don’t think we can, Chris. You cheated on me, you have a child with that slut, a child with almost the same god damned name as ours. And you just told me as a new baby she looked identical to my Lola. How can you not see this from my point of view? You need to leave, give me space.”

“Fuck! Trixie, please. I’m begging you, don’t give us up. Please don’t.” His hazel eyes tear up, and I notice that sparkle is coming back into them that’s been lost for so many years.

“Right now, it’s the only thing that makes sense,” I tell him softly.

“We’re not getting a divorce, I will fight it,” he vows.

“I didn’t say anything about a divorce, not right now. Just space. You have to give me that. I gave you space for months, the least you can fucking do for me is to give me space!” I shout.

I swear if he doesn’t get the hell out right now, I will throw this lamp on my end table at him, and call up Lilly’s dad and start divorce proceedings. The longer he takes to get the hell out of my house, the angrier I become.

“Fine, but I’m not giving up on us.” He storms out of the house, and slams the front door behind him.

I don’t know what to do. He lied, he cheated, he has a child with another woman. I just… Fuck, I don’t know anything anymore. I spent months begging for him to just talk to me, and now that the tables have turned, I can focus on the problems, and he had better leave me the hell alone while I figure out what I’m going to do.

Chapter 12


Iknew it wasn’t going to be easy talking to her this morning. I didn’t expect her to jump back into my arms, but I did at least expect us to talk more, to spend the day together, something. I wanted to tell her all about Lita, tell her who my lawyer is, stuff like that. But she threw me out. I only left because I could see the anger in her eyes. I knew she was about to lose it and I’d be in the line of fire.

My phone rings as I park my car in the grocery store parking lot. “Hello?”

“Mr. Crescent?” My lawyer. “This is Ms. Green; do you have free time today? I wanted to go over your case, and give you some information I was just made aware of.”

“Yeah, I can be there in five minutes if that works?”

“Perfect, just come right in and head down the hall. First door to your left.” She clicks off, and I start the car back up and head towards her office building.

It doesn’t take me long to get there and I sprint down the half and knock on her door. “Come in.”

“Ms. Green,” I greet her. If I had to guess her age, she looks mid-thirties. Not much makeup, just a hint of lipstick. And she’s wearing the standard lawyer outfit: black dress pants, white button up blouse and her suit jacket rests on her chair.

“Mr. Crescent, lovely to meet you, please sit. This shouldn’t take too long.” She shuffles some papers on her desks and brings out a large folder. “I started looking into Lacey Bradley and her record is so far from clean, I could use her file as toilet paper for the next year.”

I chuckle at her choice of words.

“Bad news first. I received a call this morning from a social worker, a Mrs. Jordin contacted her saying she had a little girl in her care and that her mother never came to pick her up.” My heart races, and I go to stand up to go get my daughter. “Calm down, Mr. Crescent. Lolita is perfectly fine, the social worker went and picked her up and is a floor up from us watching her until our meeting is over.” I calm down, relieved my girl is okay. “As for Ms. Bradley, well, we don’t know where she is right now. Police went to her apartment and searched it, seems her personal belongings are gone, and they found a room that was dedicated to you. Seems she quite fancies you.” She looks at me, waiting my reaction. When she see’s a look of disgust on my face, she smiles. “Care to tell me the story of how this came to be? From your file, you’re married, and have been for eight years. The time of conception for the baby upstairs seems to be around the time you lost the child your wife and you had.”

I nod and tell her the whole story. How I was drunk and upset at losing Lola, how Lacey left town after that night, and how she showed up a few months ago with Lita. I also tell her how all this has affected my marriage.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” she says quickly, and then moves on. “Gaining custody will be easy. You have it, went through the courts this morning. And stripping Ms. Bradley of her parental rights should be easy as well, since she abandoned Lolita. So, unless there is something else we need to talk about, you can go up and get your daughter.” She smiles at me.

“One thing, I need to legally change Lita’s name.”

She looks at me in confusion and she shuffles through her papers and pulls out a birth certificate. “It says here she already has your last name.”

“No, I mean, I can’t have her name being Lolita. I want to legally change it to something else, or simply just Lita. Lacey, being the person she is, named her Lolita to hurt my wife. Our child’s name was Lola.”

Ms. Green’s face goes to shock, then to pity and she quickly jots something down. “I’ll get the paperwork for that filled out the second you leave and have the judge, who is a personal friend of mine, sign off on this. I’m so sorry that woman did this to you and your wife, by naming her that.” She shakes her head. “It also shows she has no middle name, would you like to add something there as well?”

“Lita Marie.” Trixie’s middle name. Hopefully it will mean something to her.

“Very well.” She smiles at me and stands up, shaking my hand. “I’ll call you as soon as I hear back from the judge, and hopefully Ms. Bradley won’t be a bother in the future.”
