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Chapter 17


Itook my chance with Trixie, but it wasn’t enough, at least not right now. When she moaned into my mouth, I wanted so badly to fuck her against her front door, but I knew she wasn’t ready for me yet. For years, I thought my feelings for Lilly were genuine but it turns out it was just a crush. Until I saw Trixie Crescent walking down the street and my attention shifted. There was just something about her that I couldn’t shake.

I never made a move. Sure, I flirted, which pissed off her husband, but I never crossed that line with her, no matter how much I wanted to. I thought her and Chris had a great marriage until I saw it slowly start to fall apart.

I always found myself in the friend zone when it came to her. But while I waited for my chance, I made sure I could be the best damn friend possible. Now the time has come to finally pursue her, and she’s leaving. She’ll be back though, this is her hometown, where her entire family lives. She won’t stay away. At least, that’s what I’m counting on.

Chris can fight for her all he wants, but he’s not taking what’s going to be mine. Trixie needs to be cherished, loved, and no amount of getting drunk would ever have me stepping out on her. I also know from the rumors I’ve heard around town, him cheating with Lacey wasn’t the first time he stepped out on her. According to the gossips, he was a virgin when he and Trixie started dating but then he started to sleep around behind Trixie’s back all the time before they got married. Hell, another rumor has it, that the night before the wedding, he was seen going into a hotel room with two women.

I don’t know if Trixie knows that, but at this point, it’s not even worth mentioning. Especially considering its just rumors. But rumors always have some sort of truth to them.

Trixie was gone now, but at least I took my chance to kiss her just once. I know she’ll come back once she’s healed herself and I’ll be here, waiting for her. Waiting to make her mine. To have a family with her.

I’m going to get my house finished, and the second she rolls back into town, I’m not standing down. No one will stop me from making Trixie my wife.

End of Part 1

Part 2

One year later

Chapter 18


Iwalk into the small lawyer’s office, my head held high. I have to do this. It’s been a year, and I can’t keep putting it off anymore. Coming back to this town wasn’t something I thought I would ever do again. When I left, it was freeing. Gone were my daily reminders of my failed marriage, gone was the image of Lacey being around all the damn time, gone was the hatred I felt whenever I looked at the child my husband made with another woman.

I moved to Devon, a few hours from Airdrie, had a nice little apartment, got a job at the local coffee house and I felt so at peace. I spent my time moving on, going to therapy, and working on myself. A month ago, I suddenly realized that I can’t run away from my problems, so I started working on my move back. It’s time to right my wrongs and let Chris go. We both need to move on with our lives. Plus my family is here, and I missed being away from them all.

For the first month, I had voicemail and texts daily from him which I deleted without reading and hearing. After a while, he must have gotten the hint that I wasn’t going to reply to him. I haven’t heard from him since. It’s been good for me.

“Mrs. Crescent?” a short, yet beautiful older woman greets me when I get in the office. She looks behind me. “Oh, hey Lilly. Your dad’s in his office.”

“I know, I’m here with her,” Lilly says, pointing at me.

The woman faces me once more, yielding me a pitiful grin. “Just go sit over there. Mr. Mayer will be with you in just a few moments.”

I nod and Lilly follows me to the waiting area.

“You sure you want to do this?” Lilly asks.

“It’s time. I have to. It's been a year, and this is something I probably should have started before I left town. I need to move on, you know? During therapy, I made a promise to myself that I would never again be with a man that would cheat. I know Chris wouldn’t have done it if he wasn’t drunk, but it’s the same thing, he cheated. Days after the death of our daughter and he got another woman pregnant. I don’t care if he doesn’t remember that night or not, it’s over between us.

“Does this have anything to do with a certain cop showing you attention lately?” Lilly asks, grinning.

I shove her playfully. “Quit it.”

“You’re blushing! I can’t wait to tell Eden.”

“Would you stop that. And Preston only said ‘hi’ to me in passing, he was not showing meattention.” Must say, I always sort of had a crush on officer Thrane, but never acted on it. Because unlike some people, I was never a cheater. Before I left last year though, he kissed me, and I have to say that kiss has been on my mind ever since.

“Oh, please, everyone with eyes can see he totally wants you.”

“Be serious, would you! I’m here to get a divorce.” I try to keep a straight face but we both burst out laughing. I know the situation isn’t funny, but Lilly is so silly sometimes and I am different now. I’m not the Trixie I became after losing Lola, I’m stronger now.

“Mrs. Crescent? He’s ready for you,” The receptionist says, interrupting us. She gives me a disapproving look. Then Lilly sticks her tongue out her and we start laughing again.
