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I get up, Lilly comes with me.

This is it, this is the day I file for divorce.

Chapter 19


Trixie’s back. Only reason I know this is because I spotted her walking into Sam Mayer’s law office this morning. Fuck, she’s back, and the first thing she does is go to a lawyer. The first thing she should have done was come to me.

This last year without her has been rough, but I’ve gotten through it. Lita is growing so much and talking so much more. Without Trixie around I had to ask for help with Lita’s care so I could work. I didn’t want to send her to daycare but I didn’t exactly have anyone else to watch her, so every morning, Monday through Friday, I drop her off at Moira’s daycare. When I work on Saturday, Jess watches her for me.

Allan has been telling me to just move on, it’s been a year and Trixie’s obviously over me, but I can’t. I haven’t even looked in the direction of another woman since she left. And talk around town, neither has Preston-fucking-Thrane. Rumor has it that before Trixie left, they were making out in front of my damn house. When I confronted him about it, he didn’t deny it, which pissed me off.

If he thinks for even a moment that he will replace me in Trixie’s life, he’s got another thing coming. I know Trixie, she won’t give up our eleven years together for someone new.

Around lunchtime, my office phone rings. “Yeah?”

“Hey, I have someone out here to see you. Want me to send him back?” Sandra, our shop receptionist, asks.

“Yeah that’s fine.” She saidhim, so there goes my wishful thinking that Trixie was here for me.

My door opens after a quick knock and in comes Sam Mayer with his damn briefcase and an officer. Fucking Thrane.

“What?” I bark at them.

Sam digs through his case and pulls out a file. “You’ve been served.”

Thrane smirks at me and follows Sam out of my office.

I stare at the file on my desk. I don’t need to open it to know what’s in there. It makes sense. Trixie was going into Sam’s office just this morning.

Fuck, she really did it. She doesn’t want us to have another chance to make our marriage work. I can’t let this be over.

“Sandra, let Joel know I’m taking the rest of the day off to take care of some things.” I hang up my phone, grab my jacket, and take off in search for Trixie, but not after I head to my lawyer to see how I can drag this out. I’m not just letting Trixie end us.

I never should have just accepted that she was gone. I tried everything when she first left to find her. None of the Angels or their women were talking to me, except Moira when she’d babysit, but she still never said a word about Trixie. When I’d bring her up, she’d change the subject.

I tried calling and texting but never got a response back. Lita was suffering that first month because I was so focused on getting Trixie back. I had to finally just let Trixie do her thing and pray she would come back to me, while I focused all my attention on my daughter.

But now Trixie is back, and I have to do something to save us.


“What do you mean there is nothing I can do?” I stare at Ms. Green as she examines the documents I received from Sam.

She closes the file and takes off her glasses. “You have been separated for a year, living separate lives, living in separate cities. The only way to stop this divorce is if she calls it off. Otherwise there is nothing you can do. In four months from today’s date, you will be officially divorced.”

“There has to be something? I don’t want a divorce; can’t I contest it or something?”

She shakes her head. “If she filed these papers a year ago at the beginning of the separation, sure. But now? No. The laws are quite clear on this. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help. The good news is she wants nothing from you, only personal items from the house you share and her car.” She opens the folder back up. “She only cites irreconcilable differences, so you should be lucky. If she put in infidelity it would be a quicker process.” She arches an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to respond.

I shake my head. “So, there is nothing. Nothing can be done to save my marriage?” She shakes her head. “Well, looks like I’m going to find her and try to convince her to call this off.”

I get up from my seat, and head out of her office and drive straight to Lilly’s house, hoping Trixie is there.

Chapter 20

