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“Yo,” he answers. Allan works at the car dealership with me, he’s one of the mechanics in the shop. I’m technically one of his bosses, since I’m the shop foreman.

“Hey man, it’s Chris. Think I could crash at your place for a bit?” I ask.

He’s quiet before he answers. “She find out?” he asks.

“No, I couldn’t tell her, so I left instead.”

“Shit, Chris, you need to tell her. Then could you start fixing this mess,” he says. I know he forgave his wife when she cheated with his best friend, but women are different. They hold grudges, bring that shit up whenever possible, even if they say they forgive you.

“This is different.”

“Yeah, I guess,” he says quietly. “I’ll talk to Jess, I’m sure she’ll be fine with it.”

“Okay, man. Later.” I hang up and head to the park. Sitting in my car, I think back to that night. How could I have let this happen? I close my eyes, thinking back to when shit hit the fan.


After I order myself some Jack, I sit down with Allan, his wife, and my boss, Joel.

“Hey man, shouldn’t you be home with Trix?” Joel asks me.

“I just needed out of the house for a bit. It’s overrun with her parents and mine. Everyone is crying.”

Joel gives me a sad smile and slaps my back. “Drinks are on me tonight, man. I know no one can cheer you up right now, but we can make you so drunk you’ll forget your troubles.”

Allan’s wife, Jess, groans when she looks behind me. “Why is she here? Isn’t it bad enough she works with y’all, ugh.”

Allan shakes his head. “She frequents this place apparently,” he tells her.

“I know, but I can’t stand her at all.” She looks at me pointedly. “And I know Trixie can’t either.”

I know Trixie hates Lacey. I don’t really blame her since Lacey has made it her mission to bad mouth Trixie. Allan, Joel and myself, have all put her in her place many times because of the comments she makes.

“No Trixie tonight?” Lacey asks, practically purring. Shit, maybe Trixie was right, maybe she does have a thing for me.

“No, our family is all down for our daughter’s funeral, I just needed out of the house for the night,” I tell her kindly. No point in being a dick to her if it’s not needed. Especially when I work with her five days a week.

Her eyes show sadness for the first time ever. “I’m sorry for your loss,” she says and then walks off.

“I swear, if I could find a reason to fire her I would. But I can’t get rid of her just because she’s a bitch to your wife,” my boss grumbles beside me. Joel hates Lacey almost as much as Trixie does. He’s always been protective of my wife, mainly because they’ve been friends for years. He hates that Lacey is always tearing her down and flirting with me.

We finish chatting for a bit and the music starts up. Drinks are poured, and I’m three sheets to the wind. It’s not often this happens, me getting drunk, but tonight calls for it. I need this right now.

I called up Trixie an hour ago letting her know I got a room in the hotel for the night, since I can’t drive. She told me it was probably best for me to stay the night and that she loves me. So here I am, acting like a moron, dancing with my buddies, and drinking my night away, while my wife and family are at home, mourning the loss of our daughter.

I decide to head off to bed since it’s nearing two am, and start up the elevator. The doors are about to close when a hand sticks in and they open back up. Lacey is standing there wearing a grin. “Hey there, Chris. You staying here too?” she asks.

I nod and lean back against the wall. Shit, I’m going to feel this in the morning. The next thing I know, Lacey’s lips are on mine, and I’m a moron because I don’t push her away.


I wake up with a killer hangover. I didn’t go home last night, I remember that, but the rest of the night is a blur. “Fuck,” I groan, cupping my head.

Movement to the left of me causes me to panic. What the shit? I look over and see her. Short, curly blonde hair, blanket pulled up just over her ass. Shit. No, no, no, no, no. Please tell me I didn’t do something so fucking stupid last night.

I move out of bed quickly and get dressed.

“Where are you going?” Lacey asks.
