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Ihad fun at the Angels’ clubhouse the other night, haven’t had a night out like that in a while. Lots of drinks, music, and people. I spent most of the night with Lilly, just talking about my blog. Now with Chris and I in this weird limbo stage, I need to find a real job. I can’t make money writing reviews and doing book tours.

Lilly told me I should go to Eden, the president of the club’s wife, and see about working as a waitress at her diner. Seems easy enough since the place used to belong to Momma B back in the day, and I’d had a part time job there back when it was still just a bakery. When Eden took over it, though, she totally revamped it into a full blown classic diner.

Lilly picked me up about an hour ago and took me to the diner to fill out paperwork. Eden told me I can start on Monday. Now we’re sitting in the noisy diner eating some lunch since Eden said I need to know the menu. Our table is full of food for me to try and get to know.

“God, Lilly, there is no way I’m gonna be able to work here and not be as big as a house.”

She giggles. “At least you’ll be on your feet the whole shift, so you’ll just burn off what you eat.”

“That’s true,” I say, eyeing the chocolate lava cake sitting in front of me. Do I want to chance it and eat another bite? Yes, yes, I do.

Suddenly the diner goes quiet and I feel people staring at me. I look up and see Lilly, her face pale. “Don’t turn around, Trixie. Please,” she pleads with me.

I frown and look up, noticing people looking at me as if they’re waiting for my reaction, and others are staring at the front door looking pissed, glaring at whoever is there.

It’s probably just Chris coming to grab a bite to eat, so I don’t get why they’re so worked up about it. But then I turn around in my seat and freeze.

Standing there, staring straight at me, is Lacey, the town bike, the bitch that’s always wanted my husband. Seeing her just makes me want to roll my eyes. I didn’t know she was back in town. But what stops me cold, making it feel as if my body is being drained of blood, is the child in her arm. That looks just like my husband. Same blonde hair, same exact eyes, not just in color but in shape—eyelids on the bigger side. She even has his ears.

“What the fuck?” I whisper out brokenly.

Lacey steps forward, hiking the toddler up higher on her hip. “Hey there Trixie, how’s Chris?”

I glare at her, trying to keep my temper in check.

“You need to leave, Lacey. You aren’t wanted here!” Eden snaps at her, coming out from the kitchen area.

“My daughter and I just wanted to grab a quick bite to eat. That’s all, not here to cause problems.” She looks at her daughter and smiles. “Isn’t that right Lolita, we’re hungry monsters and then we’re gonna go see daddy,” she says in a babyish voice. “She just loves Chris, he spoils her rotten.” She announces to the room.

The air in the room feels as if I’m being suffocated. When she said her daughter's name everyone gasped, and Eden looked as if she was gonna snatch the kid out of her arms and beat Lacey.

“You better leave my fucking diner now before I make you regret it,” Eden says, getting in her face.

Lacey’s eyes narrow on her and she huffs. “Fine, Lola and I will take our money elsewhere.”

Lola, Lolita, fucking Lola. I can’t breathe. The room is spinning. My heart is ceasing to beat. If that little girl belongs to my husband, it will kill me. They might as well start digging my grave.

“Trixie,” Lilly says, rushing out of her seat and over to me.

I struggle to speak. “I can’t.”

“It’ll be okay sweetie. I’ll take you home. Come on,” she says, pulling me up.

The diner’s noise returns, just not as loud, most people cursing Chris, saying they’re gonna kill him. Others saying that Lacey’s daughter needs to be taken away from her. I tune them out, I just need to go home, need away from the comments, the stares, and the whispers.

This explains Vinny’s visit to my house. Why didn’t he tell me right then?

Is this why Chris left me? Because of his child with Lacey? That child looks to be close to two years old. When did this happened? How did it happen? Is he still with her?

So much is going through my head, and I don’t know what to make of any of this.

Chapter 8


That phone call from Trixie a few days ago, asking if she should seek out a lawyer, has me scared. It’s only been three months; would she really just want it over that fast? Then again, look at me, I’m the fuck up that has a child with someone who isn’t my wife.
