Page 10 of Always Was Mine

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“She recognize you?’

I shake my head.

“You want her,” he states.

“Always have. And here she is, running away from my fucking brother, the man she married. When it should have and would have been me. The only thing that hurt when I recovered, once I got better, was leaving her behind.”

“Can’t dwell in the past man,” he says. “Are you gonna tell her?”

I snort. “Not yet. Eventually yeah, but until I have her where I want her, I ain’t saying shit. I don’t want to push her away before I even get the chance to actually have her.”

Angel rubs at his beard and nods. “Just tell her before that son of a bitch shows up here. Because she finds out some other way, you’ll lose your chance.”

I run my hands down my face. “Yeah, don’t worry.”

“Jasper!” I hear Eden scream.

Angel’s face pales and he runs out, I follow quickly behind him. Out in the main area of the clubhouse, Eden is standing there, doubled over in pain, and standing in the middle of a puddle of water.

“Fuck!” Angel snaps.

“Yeah, what I said. Water broke, let's go. Now,” Eden grits out.

I step back holding my hands up. “You uh, have fun with that. Later.” I bolt out of the room, and down to mine, slamming the door shut.

I don’t know why I took off like that. Well actually I do. When Eden was pregnant with Harley she went into labor early, and I was the one that delivered the kid. I never want to see that shit ever again for as long as I live.

Unless it’s with Tori. Helping to bring my child into the world would be a blessing. Tori being here brings up feelings I don’t like having. I know the truth about me being alive is going to come out. Hangman is going to eventually show up here, I know he will.

Will I be ready to face him after all these years? I couldn’t six years ago when he showed up, I hid out like a little bitch. But now? I’ll be ready, I have to be, because I’ll be damned if I let him get Tori away from me again.


I’m woken up by two little monsters jumping on my bed. I smile as I open my eyes.

“Auntie Tori, Auntie Tori, wake up, wake up. Mom made bacon.” Even though I’m not their Aunt, I’m their cousin, they still insisted on calling me Auntie. I sort of love it. Especially since I don’t have any siblings, and being an aunt won’t ever actually happen for me.

They both say bacon as if it’s dreamy. Which makes me laugh. “Well then, I best get on up so I don’t miss out on that bacon.”

The girls squeal as I launch out of bed and chase them into the kitchen.

Lilly is at the counter scooping food onto plates.

“Morning, Lilly.”

She half turns and smiles. “Morning. You sleep okay?” she asks.

I nod. “Yeah, and these two beautiful little girls woke me up. I swear I could get used to that.” I smile.

Lilly chuckles. “Yeah, they don’t like sleeping in much, but I wouldn’t trade it.”

“I can’t believe how much they look alike. They really could be twins.”

“For now, they even think they are,” she says quietly. “When the day comes that they are old enough to know differently, I think it might hurt them more than me.”

I go to her, giving her a small hug. “It will be okay.”

She lets out a shaky breath. “I know. Sometimes I start thinking about it and I get mad at Vinny all over again. But then I take a look at those girls, and the anger fades away.”
