Page 15 of Always Was Mine

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Chin lifts go all around as we break from each other and get into position. From my place in the backyard, I can hear Reaper break through the front door. Moving quickly, I storm in through the back door, and brace, thinking the piece of shit might try to run from Reaper.

“Got him!” Reaper yells. Well that was easy. If Zippo or I had gone in as lead, he most likely would have taken off. But with Reaper going in first, the guy was probably frozen in fear.

Man is on his knees in front of Reaper, hands cuffed behind his back. “I’m taking him to the car, you guys go make sure everyone is okay. They should be upstairs.”

Without a word from the man, he goes quietly, no resisting. Fucker knew this day would probably come.


“Where will we go? Everything is in his name?” Mrs. Mayhew questions quietly.

“As we speak, your husband is signing the deed over to you, we looked into your financials, and paid off any bills that had your name attached. We also opened up a new account for you, put in some money until you can find daycare for your kids, and yourself a job. House is paid, we couldn’t find out by who though,” I tell her, a bit confused.

“The house was my parents, when they passed, it was fully paid off, and Hank made me transfer the deed in his name,” she whispers.

Zippo leans forward and grabs her hands. “Mrs. Mayhew, he won’t get out of prison, I promise you that.” It’s true, he’ll most likely die within the first month, once the others in there find out what he did. “We have a judge fast tracking a divorce for you, you will be clear of him within twenty days.”

Tears fall down her face and she looks up. “Thank you, none of this would be possible without you.”

We leave her, the kids, and her friend that came over to help her out, alone and head back to our bikes. “Well, that is done, we have to come back for the hearing, but thank fuck that asswipe won’t even get bail,” Reaper says.

“You got anything to say? You didn’t say a damn word the whole time we were here?” Zippo asks Scraper.

“Just taking it all in man. So fuckin’ different from the Untamed. Not used to shit like this.”


It’s been too fuckin’ long since Vicky left, and it’s pissing me off more than anything. We’re getting fuckin’ nowhere. Patterson wasn’t at his office and no one has seen him since he served me the divorce papers. Right now, I have Dirty out looking for that fucker, if anyone knows where Vicky is, it would be him. Dirty is good at hacking shit, and since our tracker took off, fucking Scraper, I’ve been using Dirty as his replacement. Really don’t wanna patch in a fucking prospect right now just to do that job.

“Yo, Pres,” Slammer says, coming into my office. “Got some news for ya. Dirty texted me, he’s got Patterson. Where d’you want him?” Slammer has been my enforcer ever since I gave Rage his VP patch about ten years ago. Rage still takes on a shit load of the ‘enforcing’ that needs to get done, but usually the fucker kills everyone instead of just hurting them. Slammer at least has control over his temper.

I check the time and see that it’s almost ten at night, dark enough to be brought here without someone seein’. “Bring him here. Where was he?”

“He was hiding out in his damn hidden room at his house. No one knew about it, not even his wife, but Dirty was able to get his hands on the blueprints for the house, and realized there was some extra shit going on in there, and found him.” He shrugs as he texts Dirty. “He’s just down the street, he’ll be here in two.”

I get up and walk out of my office and see Rage checking a few shipment crates. “Patterson’s here.” Nodding, he closes up the last crate and tells another brother to take over and hands him the clipboard.

“I swear I don’t know!” Patterson cries out as Dirty forces him inside. He looks up and sees me. “Hangman, I swear, I have no idea where Tori is.”

“You gotta know something, asshole, you’re her lawyer.” I punch him in the gut and he drops from Dirty’s hold.

“I swear, she only gave me a PO box to send things to, nothing else. I have no idea where she is.”

I stare at him and nod. “I want that information.Now.”

Dirty moves away from him and grabs the briefcase that came in with the two. Opening it he finds Vicky’s information. “Not much, but we know she’s in Alberta. PO box is in Red Deer. Could mean anything, though. She could have set it up for there and live somewhere else. Have that shit forwarded through the postal system?”

“Rage, Slammer, I want you two to contact the charters we have in Alberta, get them to send prospects to every damn city, send them a picture of Vicky. If she’s there, we’ll find her.”

They both nod and leave to make their calls.

“What about me? Can I go now?” Patterson asks.

I’m tempted to say no, to dish out his death, but right now I ain’t in the mood. I’m more focused on finding my wife.

“Go. As of now, you’re cut off. No one from my club will sell you shit. You ain’t allowed in my club, in my businesses.”

“But, I can’t live without my—”
