Page 17 of Always Was Mine

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“Not gonna happen, buddy. I know where that dick of yours has been.”

He smirks and pulls me in for a hug. “Fine, we’ll stay friends, but I’m warning you now, I’ll wear you down, until you finally call us more.”

I snort. “Doubtful.”

“Nope, I mean it. No more other girls for me, I’m gonna wear you down, until you’re mine and we’ll get married.”

I shove him playfully. “Stop being a dork.”


I smile at the memory. It only took him a week of convincing, what with his random kisses that caught me off guard and his clear devotion to telling all other girls to back off.

“Whatcha thinking about there, Tori?”

I shake my head. “None of your business!” I snap, without really meaning to. I quickly get in the car and take off, leaving Trevor behind. He’s making me feel things, things I can’t feel right now. He’s making me remember things that hurt too much to remember.


I said those same words, exact same words, I told her years ago. A look of sadness crossed over her face briefly, and I knew she was remembering when she dazed off and then smiled a small smile. And inside, I’m boasting. Thrilled she hasn’t forgotten me completely.

But then I ruined that moment by asking her what she was thinking, and she snapped at me. Like she was pissed that I interrupted her good memory.

Which in turn pissed me off, because that memory is mine, too. I should just fuckin’ tell her. Come clean. But I know her, Tori is as stubborn as Eden is, or I should say, the old Tori used to be stubborn. I know I have to wait. When the time is right, I’ll tell her everything, and hopefully she’ll forgive me and we can move on, together.

After watching her drive off, I decide to grab a bite to eat, and since I get a discount, meaning free, from Eden at her diner, I head there.

“Hey, Trevor,” Eden calls from the back as I come in. I have no clue how she knew it was me, but she always says that each time I walk in. “Take a seat anywhere and I’ll send someone to you with food. You want your usual?” She should be at home with the new baby, but she’s stubborn, refuses to let anyone else run the place for her. At least this time she lasted longer, the last kid she had she was back the very day she was let out of the hospital.

“Yeah. Thanks.” I take a seat in a booth. I always order the cheesesteak platter whenever I’m here, no matter how many times Eden tries to tempt me to order something different for once.

Fifteen minutes later, my food comes out and I dig in.

“Hey there, Trevor,” a voice calls out.

I look up and notice it’s Jasmine, the woman I’ve had an on and off, friends with benefits relationship with for the last two years. She’s beautiful, can’t deny that, any man would be stupid to think otherwise. Perfect tits, long pure black hair down to her ass, and skin the color of milk chocolate. We’re currently in the off stage, and I told her three months ago we were done for good. But here she is, trying to get back on. Which won’t happen because Tori is back, and I’m not passing on my second chance with her.

“What do you want, Jasmine?”

“I wanted to see if you would come over tonight. We can get together, I can rock your world,” she purrs, leaning close. “You know you love that thing I do with my tongue.” Usually her sexy talk turns me on but today it has me looking at her in disgust.

“Not gonna happen, told you months ago we’re done for good. I have a woman now, a woman I’m gonna marry. You need to leave.”

She stares at me in shock. “You don’t have a woman. I’m the only woman you’ve had in years.” She crosses her arms.

Sighing, I sit back in my seat and stare at her. “You might have been the only woman I’ve fucked in years but that doesn’t mean shit. I needed to get off, and you were there. That’s all you were to me.”

“But this doesn’t make sense. Two years, Trevor. You’re giving us up for something new that just came to town? Because I know it’s no one that already lives here, if it was I would have heard about it.”

“I’m not giving us up for someone new. Therewasno us to give up. We’re done, over. And not that it’s any of your business, but I have a second chance with my childhood love, my ex-fiancé, and I’m not screwing it up again.”

Her face turns to rage, but before she can say another word Eden comes barging over. “Get the hell out, Trevor said no, so take your skank ass out of my diner, and don’t come back.”

“Fine, I’ll leave. But, Trevor, this isn’t over.” She walks out and Eden turns to look at me.

“She’s gonna cause problems if you don’t shut her down. She’s one of those stage fifty clingers you’ll never get rid of. I swear. Not to speak ill of the dead, but she reminds me of Monica and her slut cousin, Roni.”

“Don’t worry about it. Jasmine’s all talk, only thing she’s pissed about is that she lost her favorite toy. She’ll find a new one soon, she always does.”
