Page 28 of Always Was Mine

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“Took a while, then I thought about those fuckers in the pussy club, and figured you would run here, try to get them to help you out. Then I find out you have a fucking cousin, which you never told me about, never knew you had any other damn family! Found out she’s married to a pussy club member. Now, here I am.” He tugs me to him. “You come with me, or I swear to fuck I will kill Lilly. I should have put that shit together years ago when I rescued her. I thought she looked familiar, family resemblance and all that.”

“B-b-but, I,” I stutter.

“Make the choice.Now.”

“It’s not that simple Carson,” I tell him, and his face shuts down. “I’ve met someone, he won’t believe I’m leaving with you, he’ll come for me,” I rush on quickly.

His face turns thunderous. “You have two hours. You find a mother fucking way to end that shit, or his head, and your cousin’s, is gonna be hanging on my wall.” He turns around, and leaves.

I sink down to the floor once he’s gone, “What am I going to do?” I ask myself out loud, crying into my hands.


I show up at Trevor’s house, hoping I can find a way to defuse him wanting to come after me when I go home with Carson.

“Babe, where’ve you been? I thought you would have been home before me,” he asks, grinning. Seeing my face, his grin fades, his eyes alert. “Where’re your things? What’s wrong?”

“I’m leaving. I can’t keep running from this, I’m going home with Carson, try to work on my marriage,” I lie.

He scoffs. “You’re leaving?”

I nod. Not wanting to lie out loud.

He spins around, punching a fist through the wall. “Why?Why the fuck would you want to go back to that sack of shit?”

“I love him,” I lie, quietly.

“You love him?” he repeats in disbelief. “My fuck of a brother isn’t capable of that shit!”

“Brother?” I whisper. “But. What?” His what? Did he just say? “Oh God.” I feel like I was punched in the chest, and all the air was knocked out of me.

His face falls, realizing what he just revealed. “Babe.”

He reaches out towards me, but I put my hand out in front of me, stopping him and really look at him. Why didn’t I see this before? Everything we did felt so familiar, but I didn’t even think he could bemyTrevor because he’s dead, I was there the day they buried him. I mourned him. He lied to me all this time. Why didn’t he just tell me? Why did he make me think he’s been dead all these years? He’s been living the high life while I’ve been living in hell. “Don’t touch me. I can’t believe this shit. I fall in love with you all over again, I have sex with you, but you never thought to say, ‘oh hey, your husband, is my brother, and we were once best friends, each other’s first, and engaged to be married.’ Oh my god.”

“Tori, please,” he says pleadingly, moving toward me again.

I shake my head and turn around, rushing to the door.

“I loved you, and you let me believe you were dead?” I sob.

Maybe it’s good I’m leaving. Men—all they seem to do is cut me down, every chance they get. I feel him come behind me, and he places a hand on the door. “Don’t leave. Please, can we talk?”

“No, we can’t. I need to go; myhusbandis waiting for me.” His body stills at my words, and he moves back.

“Fine, leave, that fucker kills you, I won’t be there. I won’t avenge you. Have a happy fuckin’ life, you bitch,” he sneers. “Should have never touched you once I learned you were tainted by him. What? Was he the one you wanted the whole time we were together growing up?”

His words shoot through me, causing me physical pain on top of the emotional.

I don’t bother responding to him as I make my way to my car, looking out the front windshield. Leaving him is killing me, ten times worse than it felt when I left Carson. But I have to do this, I don’t want Lilly, or anyone else, hurt because of me.

I drive off, looking into my rear-view mirror, when I’m about to take a left, I see Trevor open his front door, and sink to his knees. Even with the windows up on my car, I hear his roar of pain.

Chapter 17


Ididn’t mean the shit I said to Tori. I was just pissed off and saying shit to hurt her, make her open her eyes. I went to go out the front door after her, but I was too late, she took off. Instead I sank to my knees on my front step and let out a loud yell as I watched the only woman I’ve ever loved drive off to what is bound to be her own death.
