Page 3 of Always Was Mine

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Yes! I’ll ditch the bike just outside of town limits, pick me up. - G

As I drive out of town, the tears fall down my face. “Goodbye, Carson.” I shouldn’t cry, I know I shouldn’t, not after all I’ve put up with from him, but part of me will always care for and love him.

I stop at theNow Leavingsign where Gavin is waiting with a bag. As he walks toward the door, I pause for a moment before I let him in. I’ve been worried this was all a trap, and was hesitant about agreeing to this, but Gavin assured me he wanted out too.

“Last chance to change your mind and pretend you didn’t see me,” I say but he gets in the passenger seat.

“Let’s go. We’ll drive until you can’t anymore, then we’ll switch.”

I nod and start the car back up.

“Good riddance,” Gavin mutters as we drive, no longer seeing any part of the city.

Only then do I finally smile.

Chapter 2


Iwake up to someone knocking on my door. I roll over, knocking Pamela’s naked body to the floor. “Ouch Hangman, that hurt,” she says, laughing. I grabbed Pam after I had a few more drinks last night and made her come to my room. Told her she wasn’t to leave until I said so because, sometimes, I like to wake up randomly for a fuck. She listened.

“Boss man, need you out here. Now!” Rage shouts.

Fuck. I run a hand over my face, then pull my jeans on. I step out my door after throwing a white t-shirt on and my cut.

“What?” I bark.

Rage shakes his head. “Main gate, man in a suit here for you.”

I go back to my room, grab my gun off my desk and shove it into the back of my jeans and go out to see what the fuck is going on. I step outside and recognize the man in the suit.

I take out my rolled up joint and light it. “Patterson. What brings you by?” He usually helps out when our Club lawyer is on vacation, or he stops by for blow.

“You’ve been served.” He hands over an envelope then walks away swiftly and gets into his town car. He drives away quickly, flinging up gravel as he goes.

I stare at the shit he just gave me, confused as fuck. I open it, trying to figure out who sent me shit to serve me with.

“Motherfucker!” I roar when I see what’s inside the envelope. “Rage, take this!” I toss him the contents.

Polly tried to leave a few years ago, but you don’t leave unless we let you. And Ash, a brother, sure as fuck didn’t give the okay for that. So he killed her. Tried talking her back at first, but she started fighting back so he finished it. It’s been rare that we let women go, but it has happened without bloodshed or death, if both people agree to it.

I run to my bike and peel out of the lot, racing home. She’s not leaving me. Divorce? Never gonna fuckin’ happen. She cited adultery and some other shit as to why she wanted the divorce. She knew, she mother fuckin’ knew that shit would happen in this lifestyle, but she fuckin’ chose to marry me in the first place.

She also didn’t want nothing. Just wanted out. Nothing of mine to take with her. I don’t give a fuck. I’m not losing her. I didn’t pursue her for months after my brother’s death just for shits and giggles. I married her to have a wife that was wholesome and sweet. Someone that everyone in this city we live in loved. People would never know how truly fucked up my club was with her by my side.

I see her car still parked in the driveway, so that’s good. Gonna wring her motherfuckin’ neck over this stunt. I walk in the house. “Vicky!” I yell.

I get no response. Running through the house, I realize she’s gone.Only looks as if she took her clothes. On the bed is her cell with a note beside it addressed to me.

I sit down and unfold it.


If you are reading this, I’m gone and you’ve received the divorce papers. I can’t do this anymore. I love you so much, and I tried so hard looking the other way when I knew you were cheating. But now, I just can’t. That little girl, your little girl, is in my class this year. And I just can’t do it. Being reminded constantly of you stepping out on me. Being reminded of the child we lost.

I’m sorry. I’ll always love you. But if you love me, if you ever loved me, please let me go.

I should have realized I wasn’t cut out for this life before we married. Let me out, let me find a man that will cherish me and want only me. Please.
