Page 43 of Always Was Mine

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“Okay,” I agree. I know it seems fast but this is what should have happened twelve years ago. I was never meant to be with Carson. Trevor is my soulmate and now that we have found our way back, I am never letting go.

Epilogue 1


Nine Months later

This is the fucking life. I wasn’t joking when I told Tori we were getting married as soon as possible. Two days, after she came back to me, and after I kept her up all night by fucking her all over the house, on every surface, in every room, we went to the courthouse and made it official.

Everyone at the club was happy for us. Lilly was pissed at Tori for a bit, for not telling her she was pregnant, but as Tori said, she would have blabbed, and she wanted to be the one to tell me, not have me finding it out from someone else.

Hangman left town after our showdown at the clubhouse, I haven’t kept in contact with him, but I keep up with his life through Melissa. After the disaster of a wedding, she moved east to live with him for a while. We all tried to talk her out of it, but she didn’t want to be around Dray, and I didn’t blame her.

Dray was right, though. The shit that went down wasn’t what we all thought. But that’s not my story to tell, all I know is he’s leaving this weekend and getting his woman back. I wish him well. He seems to not even give a shit that he has to get through Hangman if he wants Melissa back.

“Trevor?” Tori calls from the living room.

“Yeah, babe?”

“Can you get me a bottle, please? Tristan is hungry again.”

“Sure thing.” Tori was upset when she couldn’t produce milk for him to breastfeed, she felt like she was a shitty mother, but Eden told her to knock it off, that many women formula feed their kids, and that there was nothing wrong with going that route. Eden never breastfed any of her kids, so Tori got over it.

Our son, Tristan, was born four months ago, and Tori is itching to finally go back to work. Once he was born, the first thing she did was go to the local elementary school and apply for a position.

Since she just gave birth, they said they would wait until the next school year, and that she was lucky the second grade teacher was retiring. She’s so excited to start back up with her dream job.

My bar is doing great. I have a full staff, and the place is constantly packed. Life couldn’t be better. I am living the dream, and I couldn’t be happier.

Epilogue 2


2 years later

The last few years have been magical. Trevor went all out, every chance he got to make sure I knew how special I was to him.

A month after I came back, we got into a huge fight, though, I found out about some bitch named Jasmine and sort of lost my shit. The woman caused a scene at Eden’s diner, and word was she was pissed Trevor got married after fucking her. Finding out he slept with her after I left killed me, but I forgave him after he explained how it happened. He was drunk and hurt I left.

It was then that I also confessed to Trevor that I kissed Carson in his house. To say he was livid would be an understatement. We had to hire a guy to patch up a few holes. The kiss with Carson meant nothing, it was goodbye, and at the time, Carson really looked like he needed it. Should I have let it go on as long as it did? No, but it was the closure he needed.

Trevor ended up fucking me against the wall and kissing me so roughly, my lips were swollen and bruised the next day. He said he wanted to erase every single trace of Carson from me. The thing is, he already did that, many, many, times since we got together.

After putting Tristan to bed, I go to the living room and wait for Trevor to get home. I wanted to tell him my news this morning, but I didn’t. I wanted to wait until we had the night to ourselves after our son went to bed.

I hear his bike come into the driveway and I smile. I’m pregnant again. And tonight, he’ll find out.

My life is perfect. I never thought I would have Trevor back, thinking he was dead for all those years, but here we are. Back together, the way we should have been all along.

He was always mine, and I was always his.
