Page 7 of Always Was Mine

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She smiles. “This is my cousin Tori. Tori, this is Trevor,” she says, introducing us.

Tori places her small hand in mine, and I almost don’t want to let it go. “Hi Trevor,” she speaks quietly.

I grin at her, and she blushes. Fuck that’s hot. “Hi, Tori,” I say gruffly.

She purses her lips together and gently pulls her hand out of mine. Lilly then moves her away, taking her to where the other girls are. I stare at her, really stare at her. I know her. Little Tori Jensen, the woman I had to leave behind, the woman I loved more than anything.Fuck.I should have put that shit together when I first met Lilly, considering they look a bit alike. She looks so different. Filled out in all the right places, older, tired looking.

Reaper comes over and sits down beside me. Ever since he’s lost Hilary he’s changed. And for the better. He met and married his wife Moira. I’ve never seen this side of him, he’s just different. Happy even. Not the broody asshole he always was.

“We gotta watch out for that chick Lilly brought,” he says.


“She’s Untamed Angels property. She’s here, hiding out, until the divorce goes through. She’s Hangman’s old lady. I don’t think he’s gonna let his property get away from him that easily. Fucker is twisted,” he says.

I still.Fuckin’ hell.I knew he’d make her his. The pain I feel is worse than just the guessing game I played when I first faked my death. She moved onto him.

“Don’t want her to know who I’m related to,” I tell Reaper.

“You sayin…..?” he starts.

“Yeah, she was mine first anyway.” I chug back the rest of my beer and give him a look that says not to question it.

“Good luck,” he says, smirking, patting me on my good shoulder as he gets up and leaves. Someone sits down beside me.

“Thought you were dead,” a low voice says from behind me.

I whip my head around and look over the couch. “Scraper? What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Helping Tori for one. But I’m also joining this club,” he declares.

“How’s Hangman feel about that?”

“He doesn’t know,” he says. “Again, I thought you were dead?”

I clench my jaw. “I lived.”

“Hangman still thinks you're dead. It’s why he agreed to help out the Warriors years ago. Wanted to avenge you,” Scraper tells me.

“Well, I survived that shit. Hid out for a while, once I heard this club was changing, I joined in. Never wanted Hangman and his fucked up head to know I was still alive. Better this way.” I scratch my head and look at him. “How’d you know it was me?” I ask him, because I’ve looked in the mirror, and I sure as shit look nothing like the guy I used to, not after all the surgeries I had done to change my face on top of all of the tattoos I have covering almost my entire body and parts of my head and face.

He shrugs. “You didn’t cover up the scar on the back of your neck.” He points to the spot. Carson gave me that when I was seven by hitting me with a stick. “Nah, I just overheard your chat with Reaper, then I noticed the scar. The tats look good though. Finally, not such an ugly fuck.” He smirks.

I punch him in the arm, shaking my head. I wonder if Tori will notice it. If someone really looked hard at the tattoo at the base of my throat, they’d see Tori’s name. So far not one person has ever noticed it.

He grunts in agreement. “Are you gonna go to her?” he asks me. I know what he’s asking, he knows about Tori and me from before.

“Yeah. But I ain’t telling her yet.”

He nods. “She won’t hear it from me. But just so you know, if she had known you were alive, she never would have married your brother.” He walks away. This is my fault, if I had just gone to her afterwards, I could have taken her away, and we would have been together the whole time.

I spot Tori standing off to the side, alone. Stupid Lilly left her alone in a room full of people she doesn’t know. I shake my head and move towards her.

“Hey,” I say coming to stand by her.

She looks up at me startled then blushes. “Um, hi,” she says shyly.

“So, you’re new here.” I state.
