Page 1 of Twisted Up In Us

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Standing at the front of the church, waiting for Melissa to walk down the aisle to me, I’m nervous. I tried to get her to marry me before our daughter came, but she was stubborn. Said no way. Mostly because she didn’t want to be a pregnant bride, and because she wanted us to work on our relationship before we took it to this level.

Thankfully, after a tongue-lashing where her sister, Cori, told her to stop being stubborn, Melissa finally agreed to marry me. Of course, when I went to Angel, Zippo, and Reaper for permission, they put me through the ringer. Reaper kept cleaning his knives and his gun in front of me as I nervously asked for their blessing.

There are still things Melissa doesn’t know about me, but my boss told me I couldn’t tell her just yet, because it would ruin a four-year investigation. And I can’t fuck that up. I also hate lying to my woman. I know she’d keep it to herself, if she knew the truth, but if my boss ever found out she knew before we closed the case, I would lose my job.

The music starts up and I see her, my angel, my beautiful Melissa walking toward me, carrying our daughter Mikayla on her hip.Fuck,she’s beautiful.

Angel puts Melissa’s hand in mine after taking Mikayla from her and goes to sit down so we can start.

Then it happens, everything is destroyed—my whole world comes crashing down. What should be the start of my life with Melissa ends before it ever truly begins.

Hangman from the Untamed Angels MC, storms into the church, followed by his men. Angel instantly hands Mikayla back to Melissa as the clubs face off.

“You didn’t think to tell me I had a daughter?” Hangman roars, glaring at Jasper. He looks to Melissa quickly, eyes settling on my daughter. “A granddaughter?”

“How’d you find out?” Angel answers back.

“How do you think? I finally get my wife back, and not only am I just finding out that I have a daughter who is twenty years old, but my brother—who not only is alive—also gotmy wifepregnant and is living with your pussy club!”

Shit. This isn’t good.

I see Trevor tense up. This is a moment that he’s avoided for years. Being in the company of his brother. Hangman is so terrible; the guy faked his death to get away from him.

“This isn’t the time or place for this,” Jasper declares, throwing his hands out.

“No, it’s the perfect fucking time.”Motherfucker. I would recognize that voice anywhere. My ex-wife moves from her spot behind Hangman. “You son of a bitch, what do you think you are doing, huh?”

“Shayla…” I start to say but Melissa cuts me off.

“Um, I’m sorry, but who are you?”

“Who am I? Well, this is great. Now, I actually feel bad for you,” Shayla says, sounding at least half human for once. “I’m his wife,” she cries out, managing to appear distraught.

God, I hate this woman.

“Wife?” Melissa chokes out as if she were just punched in the stomach. She looks to me to deny Shayla’s claims, but I can’t. Not entirely. We were married but that was the past.

“I never signed his stupid ass papers, so he probably didn’t realize we’re still married. I told him before what my conditions were. He visits his children, talks to them. Then, and only then, would I let him be free,” she says, tears forming in her eyes. And there we have it, the bitch fake cries. As usual.

Her hand goes to her throat and she continues with the act. She looks at the beautiful life Melly and I made. “You had his child?”

With that, Melissa takes off crying as soon as Cori runs to her taking Mikayla. I watch Cori and Blake follow her quickly out of the church doors.

“Melissa! Stop please,” I yell out for her. Everyone is holding me back from going to her and I see Shayla’s face. The cunt has the nerve to smirk. Not sure what the fuck she’s playing at here, but I will end her.

“You hurt my kid, you motherfucker. Why shouldn’t I hurt you?” Hangman roars at me.

Everything is in chaos, Hangman gets a punch in, and the Angels all stare at me with disgust.

“Hangman, we get shit is bad right now. Everyone calm down and we’ll ride to the clubhouse and have a talk. Clear the air,” Angel says, being the peacemaker.

“I’ll be keeping my eye on you,” Hangman warns me one final time and storms out.

Shayla still stands there, smirking her smug bitchy smirk. She has once again destroyed my whole world. She has another thing coming though if she thinks I’m letting her off so easy this time.
