Page 16 of Twisted Up In Us

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Her smile lights up the whole room, and I feel my pulse quicken.

“Yup, those people are my family, they’re the best family anyone could ever have.”

“Fuck that shit, they ain’t nothin’ but a bunch of fuckin’ pansy assed pussies,” Rage puts in.

Melissa’s head twists so hard, I’m worried about an exorcist moment happening, and I grab her hand, which feels fucking amazing in mine. “Let it go.”

She sits back down, but still glares at Rage. “The Angels Warriors are my family. They saved my sister and me. They raised us, put us through school, bought us both our first cars. They took care of us, loved us. You will never, and I meannever, say nasty shit about themeveragain around me. If you do, I don’t give a flying fuck that you’re scary as hell, I’ll slice your dick off and shove it up your ass.”

“Fuck this shit.” Rage gets up looking pissed as fuck and stomps out of the room, slamming the back door.

“Wow, no one has ever spoken like that to him before, at least none that are still alive,” Dirty tells her. “Just be careful around him, though. You most likely will get away with a lot of shit because Hangman is your dad, but Rage has his name for a reason.”

He’s right about that, during her rant at Rage, both Dirty and I were getting ready to brace in case we had to stop him from killing her. I’ve seen him lose his temper over less things than a woman back talking him.

Chapter 13


Carson wasn’t gone long, although when he came back he was pissy. I just avoided him and did my own thing. Dirty and Slammer left not long after he came back, but Rage was still here. The guy is creepy. Sure he’s hot for a guy almost my dads age, but his scare factor cancels out that hotness. Slammer and Dirty seemed nice. They talked to me about life, mine and theirs, and they seemed interested in the Angels Warriors.

When we started talking about the club, Rage put a stop to it, saying something about the Angels being a pussy club, which pissed me off. I was about to get up and punch him, but Slammer told me to let it go. But I didn’t, sort of. I didn’t hit him, but I did tell him that they were my family, and if he spoke about them like that again around me, I’d slice his dick off. Dirty thought that was hilarious, said no one has ever spoken like that to Rage, ever, and lived to tell the tale.

Rage stomped out of the room and went outside for a smoke. It was then that Dirty informed me that I should watch myself around him, if I was anyone else, and not Hangman’s kid, he would have put a bullet in my head for speaking to him that way.

Now I’m sitting on the couch flicking through the channels while Mikayla naps, bored out of my mind. Carson, Dad, Hangman--whatever the hell--comes and takes a seat beside me and I hear the front door close. Good, Rage is leaving.

“You’re gonna meet my other kid this weekend. Her name's Emily. She’s seven.”

My eyes widen. “Wow, never been a big sister before.” His eyes crinkle, and I decide to ask him a stupid question. “Um, what does she call you? Is there something you want me to call you?” I swear I feel and sound like a moron asking this.

“Whatever you are comfortable with. Carson, Hangman, Dad, whatever. Emily calls me dad, although she does fuck up and call me Hangman sometimes, since for years I didn’t allow her to know me as her father. Didn’t want anyone but my club to know, in case that shit got out to Tori. She’s a good kid, but her mom's a cunt. But don’t worry, you won’t see her again. I’ve made sure of that.”

I can feel the blood draining from my face. Does that mean he killed her?

“I didn’t kill the bitch so get that look off your face. I wanted to, but then I’d have to have Emily full time, and that’s not something I wanna do. Love the kid but losing Tori because of her….” he trails off, shaking his head. “I know it ain’t her fault, it’s mine, but still.”

I reach out and grab his hand, giving him a squeeze. “You really did love Tori, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but not in the right way, not the way she should’ve been loved.Fuck, I sound like a pussy. When the kid wakes up, get her dressed and shit, we’re gonna go out for supper.” He gets up and stomps to his room.

I chuckle quietly. He is always stomping. Can’t he just walk like a normal person?

I get up and walk to my room. Mikayla will be up soon, so I may as well get ready first. I grab a pair of blue jeans and tee shirt, then I plug my straightener in so I can fix my hair. When I’m finished, I hear Mikayla call out for me. But I’m not quick enough, as I open my bedroom door, I see dad stomping into her room and picking her up.

Again, he surprises me. “I’ll change her, you can grab your coat and shit and wait by the door.”

Minutes later we’re in his truck and take off. The ride is quiet, except for Mikayla babbling in the back seat.

We pull into a parking lot and I look at the building in front of us.Deluxe. That’s an odd name for a restaurant.

“It’s not fancy, but they have the best fish and chips around.” I shrug, I wouldn’t know, we don’t have this place out west. But I’ll take his word for it.

“At some point, I want to try out some pizza place calledGreco.Tori talked about it many times, said it was the best pizza in the world, and she can’t find a place in Alberta that even comes close to its goodness.”

He chuckles. “We’ll order that this weekend when Emily is with us.”

I smile at him and get out, going to the back to get Mikayla. “Wan Papa,” she says, holding her arms out around me to him.
