Page 17 of Twisted Up In Us

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He smiles and takes her instantly.

As we step inside, the place goes quiet. I see some people look scared. Others look shocked to see him carrying around a toddler.

“Go find a seat, I’ll grab a highchair,” he tells me. I nod and slide into the first booth I see that’s empty. As I take off my jacket and set it beside me, he comes back and plunks Mikayla right in the seat.

The whole time he’s doing this, people are still staring. “Um, everyone is looking at us.”

His head snaps up from Mikayla, and he glares around the room. “The fuck you starin’ at? I’m here with my kid and grandkid, now fuck off and look somewhere else before I decide to fuck with ya’s,” he announces. Everyone immediately turns away. “Fuckin’ nosey asswipes. You know what you want or want me to surprise ya?”

“Do they have poutine here? I’d like that for sure, and some battered fish?”

“Be back,” he says and takes off to the registers and places our order. Occasionally, I notice people glancing but thankfully no one is outright looking at us anymore.

Chapter 14


“Yo, Slammer, you want in on this action?” Dirty calls as he ploughs into the snatch on the pool table.

“Nah, I’m good.” Normally I’d be all up in the bitch, no hesitation, but after meeting Melissa I don’t want another woman touching me. Watching the bitch Dirty is fuckin’ moan usually gets me instantly hard, but nothing. I look down and growl at my dick, “Fucking broken piece of shit.”

“Dude, you talkin’ to your dick?” Rage asks, his brows raised.

“Fuck off.”

“Haven’t seen you bang a club whore in a while, not since Hangman’s kid showed up. You want her?”

I grunt, rubbing my face. “Yeah.”

“I’m not one for this pussy talk, but Hangman will gut you if you hurt her. You’ve never been faithful to any of the bitches you’ve been with, and a woman like Melissa, you have to be faithful.”

“I know that, and that’s not the problem.” Melissa would be worth my dick never fucking another bitch until the day I died. “The problem is she still loves that fucker Dray. I want her. Want her so bad, I feel the urge to grab her, and fuck her raw, getting her pregnant. So bad, Rage, I feel possessed with the need.”

“Well fuck.” He hands me a bottle of liquor from behind the bar.

Fuck is right.

“I’m gonna make her mine. Show her what a real man is about.” I shake my head and hand the bottle back to him. If I want Melissa, I gotta keep my head on straight.

I gotta show her I can step up to the plate and be the man her and her daughter need.

Chapter 15


One Month Later

As I finish cleaning, I hear Dad's bike coming down the street. Good thing I finished, otherwise he’d probably yell at me again. He keeps telling me to fuck off with cleaning his house, that he’s got people that do that, but I can’t just sit around doing nothing.

Every other weekend I get to see my little sister, Emily. To say she’s adorable is an understatement. She looks so much like I did as a kid. How that woman April made such a beauty is beyond me. Dad also is devoted to her, and every weekend when it’s time for her to go back to her mom's, she gets quiet. I hate that for her. Next weekend I promised Emily I’d take her and Mikayla out to the rec center for a swim, and her eyes lit right up.

“Kid!” he shouts as he opens his front door.

“Yes, your majesty? You called,” I sass him.

His eyes narrow on me, but his lips twitch. “Fuckin’ smartass.” He shakes his head and digs something out of his pocket. “Got you somethin’.”

“What now? You are always getting me something. You have to stop.” Just last week he came home with a brand-new car for me and a new car seat. I get he’s trying to make up for twenty years of not being around, but it wasn’t his fault.
