Page 3 of Twisted Up In Us

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“This looks amazing. Oh my god.” I breathe.

“Glad you like it, kid,” he says, ruffling my hair. This interaction feels awkward to me, but it doesn’t seem to phase him. It’s like he’s always done this. “When’s the baby got to nap?”

I check the time, it’s a little after twelve. “I need to get her lunch and then she can go down for one.”

“Good, we’ll talk when she’s asleep.” He stomps away and starts banging away in the kitchen. I take another look at my room and smile. I can’t believe he went to all this trouble, just for me. I pull my cell phone out and take pictures of both rooms and send them to Cori.

Holy shit! Maybe he’s not so bad after all - C

I smile as I type,Yeah. Maybe. Maybe he’s not.

Grabbing Mikayla out of her room, I carry her into the kitchen and find that there is a highchair at the table. “You really didn’t have to go all out like this,” I say as I strap her in.

Carson shrugs, mumbling something under his breath and hands me a plate for myself. “Mind if I feed her?” he asks.

Staring at him in shock, all I can do is nod my head, even though she pretty much feeds herself now. And by feeding herself, I mean she just uses her hands to eat. What big scary biker man wants to feed a baby? Studying my face, he chuckles, like he knew exactly what I was thinking. I quickly sit down as I feel my face get warm.

“It’s not much, the guys got a bunch of take out shit last night and put it all in the fridge,” he says as I dig into the fried rice and chicken balls on my plate.

Chapter 3


Lunch was interesting, watching Carson feeding Mikayla was the highlight for sure. I think he got more food in his beard and hair than in her mouth. He shot me a glare when I giggled. After she was somewhat fed, he got her out of the chair, cleaned her up, and put her down for her nap. I was surprised.

The stories I’ve heard from Tori and the guys made me terrified of him, butdamn,he’s good with kids.

He comes back as I put my plate in the dishwasher and asks me to join him in the living room. Sitting on the couch, I start getting nervous.

“I want to know everything, Melissa. About your time in the foster system, to how the Angels came to find you, to what it all has to do with your mother.Especiallyabout your mother.”

I start the story, filling him in on the abuse mom gave Cori and I. How she abandoned us, and we went to foster care, how she pulled us back out of the system a few times only to send us back. The last home we were in and how Cori and her friend, Chelsea, found the Angels to save us. I tell him about watching Cori getting raped, then pregnant, then how I watched them take the baby away from her. I tell him about growing up in the Angels’ safehouse, how they are my family. How we recently found out the baby Cori gave birth to had died.


When I’m done, he sits there in silence, anger etched into his face. “You said your mother was arrested on her last visit to you guys.”

I nod.

“You know who I am, right? What I do?”

I gulp and nod again.

“If she dies or simply…goes missing, will you care?”

My eyes bug out. “I uh, I don’t know. Whatever you do, please don’t tell me.” I don’t need to know if he is going to commit a crime because that would make me an accessory.

He gives me a chin lift and stands up. “I need to go to the club house. Rule I have: family never goes there. I don’t want to catch you there. If do, there’ll be problems.”

I look at him in shock. “Really? No family ever? No family cookouts, nothing?” I’m not used to that; the Angels’ club house was always open and welcoming to everyone.

“We’re bikers, we fuck, fight, party and have our dealings. We have family things, sure, but at our houses, never the club house.” He pauses at the front door before turning around. “You want a massage or other spa shit done, you tell me first, I’ll set something up. I never want to catch you at a spa in this town, got me?” Again, my eyes bug out and I nod. I heard about his spas, they specialize in happy endings.Yuck.

“Now that your paternity has been solved, any idea who your sister’s dad is?”

I nod. “Mom never told us. Whenever we used to ask, she would tell us to shut up, but Cori finally learned that her dad is Sam Mayer.”

His brows shoot up in surprise. “So, she’s related by blood then to the Angels,” he states and then mumbles, “Everyone is fuckin’ related to them these days,” as he walks out. I bite my lip to keep from laughing. He’s officially related to one as well, considering his brother, Trevor is a member.
