Page 32 of Twisted Up In Us

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After everything my mother put Corinne and I through, she deserves what’s coming to her. The years in foster care with the sick fucks that had Cori raped, the times our mother would show up tear us down and make our lives hell just as we were finally becoming better. All of it’s finally over.

Chapter 26


We get to the club house quickly and carry this bitch inside. Rage called ahead and had the place emptied out, only members. I throw her on the floor. “The second she comes down from this high, we’ll start,” I tell the room. It’s gonna take a few hours for the heroin to wear off, so we may as well have some fun. “Boys, if you want a piece of her before we start tearing her apart, I suggest getting on it now.” I grin at them and watch as a Dirty, Rage, and a few other members surround her and start tearing her clothes off.

I don’t need to watch, normally I jack off when the men do this, but this bitch has my dick shriveled up. Can’t believe I fucked her. I’m half tempted to cut my dick off because obviously it’s fucked up. I grab a bottle of whiskey and go to my office while the men have their fun with the bitch. And sure enough, Slammer follows me, I knew he was good enough for my kid. Soon enough, I’ll make Luanne pay for what she did to my daughter and her sister.


“Hangman, we’re done, and she’s alert, trying to escape, I say it’s time,” Rage tells me, coming into my office.

I nod and get up, following him out of the room. She’s been gagged and is pinned down by Dirty and Slammer. I smile and grab one of the knives that hangs on the wall in the room. She starts shaking her head and tries to move away from the men holding her. Seeing her fear has me grinning bigger. I love this. I walk over to her and make quick work of slicing off her left nipple, she screams, but it’s muffled due to the gag. Instantly I rip the tape off her mouth grabbing a chair and sit in front of her.

“You kept my daughter from me. You hurt her, her sister, the things they went through because of you, were vile. You will be getting tortured by me until your last breath, and bitch, I’ll smile the whole time.”

“Please, don’t do this. I’ll leave, I won’t say anything, I’ll never contact the girls again. Just let me go.”

“Oh, I’ll let you go, after you take your last breath.” With those words she screams, and I carry on, taking my time.

Hours later she’s passed out from the pain, but not yet dead. I’m surprised the bitch lasted this long.

“Grab me the rope, throw it around that beam.” I tell the men, pointing to the beam in the room. Making quick work of what I asked I grab one end, tying it tight around her neck. “Hoist her up the moment she comes back to, then have her hung until she’s dead. I’m gonna get cleaned up now, then head home, Slammer let me have tonight with Melissa.”

His jaw clenches, but he nods and heads towards the back of the clubhouse, where his room is.

I take one last look at Luanne, and since learning of my brother not being dead, and of my daughter I never knew, I finally feel peace.

Chapter 27


It took me a few minutes to move from my spot once everyone left with my mother. Instantly, I ran to find my phone and hit call on Cori’s name.

“’Lo?” she answers sleepily.

“Hey sis, um, sorry for calling so late, but Dad said I needed to.”

Instantly, her voice loses the sleepy sound and she sounds alert, more alert than I do right now. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

“Cori? What’s going on?” I hear Blake’s concerned voice ask.

“Well, Mom showed up here,” I tell her.

“What!?” she screeches. “How did she even know where you were? How did she find you?”

“I don’t know, I’m so confused right now, but I don’t think she’ll be bothering us again. Ever.”

“Tell me everything, and Blake, shut the fuck up, I’m on the phone here.” I hear Blake grumble in the background and try not to laugh.

“She showed up, was her normal crazy-assed self, and then Dad and the club were here, taking her away.” I leave out the drugging her up stuff and of course hitting her.

“Well, at least we know now we really won’t ever hear from her again. Does it make me a bad person to say I’m not sorry in the least that your dad probably gutted that bitch for us?”

“If it makes you a bad person, it makes me one also, because honestly, as much as I’m freaked out right now, I feel peace,” I whisper.

“Oh Melly,” she whispers back.
