Page 34 of Twisted Up In Us

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She pushes me back slightly. Looking confused. “Both of you? Like a threesome? Cheating scenario? I don’t get it.”

I chuckle slightly, cupping her face. “Nothing like that, no threesomes, no cheating. I meant, until you can figure out who you want, who you truly can’t be without, date both of us.”

She gulps and shakes her head slightly. “Dray would never go for that.”

“Then he loses out automatically. I hate this, fuckin’ hate it beyond anything, but if it means keeping you a while longer, then I’m willing to do anything to make sure that happens.”

“Why are you doing this, Caden?”

“Like I said, I love you and will do anything to see you happy.”

She shakes her head. “I don’t deserve you.”

“It’s me that doesn’t deserve you.” I tell her, kissing her softly. My phone starts going off in my pocket as I start to kiss her deeper. “Shit, that’s the club, I should be back tonight, if you can get a hold of Dray and he agrees to meet up with you, let me know. I’ll come and stay with Mikayla.”

She gives me a small smile as I give her a quick kiss and head out.

Chapter 29


Hauling my ass into work for the early shift, I dread what’s awaiting me at my desk. Most likely more shit about the Jacks Devils. I keep getting files about them, but so far not one ounce of proof so we can get the bastards off the streets.

Three hours later, it’s finally break time. As I get up to grab some coffee my phone pings with a text. Looking at it, I see it’s from Melissa.

Can we talk? Tonight? - M

I don’t even hesitate in replying as hope flares in my chest. I’m hoping this is a good talk, one that will have us back together, the way we belong.

Yes, 7 work? - D

Ok, just the two of us, Mikayla will stay home with Caden. - M

As much as I don’t want that fucker near Melissa or Mikayla, I'll allow this. I wonder if he knows she’s meeting up with me tonight. Thinking on it, I shoot her another text.

Want me to pick up you? – D

That works, see you later – M

I frown, part of me was thinking she would say no and want to meet up somewhere, which had me hoping she was maybe doing this behind Slammer’s back. Instead the dick is babysitting my kid, while I pick Melissa up.

Now I’m thinking it’s possible that this talk might not be what I’m thinking. I can’t let her be done with me, I just can’t.


I pull into Hangman’s driveway and notice the lights on in the house. Before I even get the chance to turn off the engine, the front door opens and Melissa steps out, with Slammer slightly behind her. Fuck, she’s beautiful, her hair blows in the wind, and she’s wearing ripped jeans that look amazing on her. I bought her those jeans just after she had our daughter, I still remember how perfect her ass looks in them. She zips up her blue Old Navy hoodie, looks at me, gives me a small smile and waves. I’m about to smile back when she turns around and places her lips on his.

I want to get out of this car and pull her away from him. I shouldn’t have offered to pick her up here. I look away, not wanting to see anymore, my teeth clenched. Minutes later, the passenger door opens, and she slides in, smelling of vanilla.

“Hey, thanks for picking me up.”


“Um ... how about we go to the beach? This time of night shouldn’t be too crowded, and we can talk.”

“You don’t want to get something to eat?” I ask. I came here right from work, and I’m starving.

“I packed some sandwiches.” It’s then I notice the small basket on her lap.
