Page 4 of Twisted Up In Us

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He leaves and I’m still processing some of the things he told me and I’m back to scared again. I shoot a text to Cori letting her know what just happened and she calls me right away.

“Holy shit! Are you sure you want to stay there? We can come get you, bring you back home.”

I smile. “No, I want to stay, just for a while. I’ll come home, don’t worry, but I just found my dad. I know he’s scary as fuck, but I want to get to know him. Plus, I want to change him,” I say as I laugh.

“Girl, he’s almost forty, he’s set in his life, he isn’t going to change. If he couldn’t change for Tori, whom he claimed to love, he ain’t gonna change for you.”

This is true. “Oh, I know, but I can be a cockblocker, I’m good at that.”

That has Cori laughing.

“That you are good at. Okay, well, call me once a week, text me everyday. If you don’t, I’m coming down there to hurt you.”

We say goodbye, and I pull my phone away and smile. Mikayla will be asleep for another hour, so I decide to just lay on the couch and watch some TV. My cell phone chimes with a text and I see it’s from Trevor.

You get there safe?

Yes, Uncle Trevor. – M

That’s still weird to hear. But I’m glad.

How’s Tori? – M

Watching some shitty day time soap opera

I laugh.

I’m glad you have her back -M

Me too

I put my phone on the coffee table and lay on the couch just thinking while the TV plays in the background. I rub at my eyes, grab my laptop, and try to do some research on Dray and his wife. I hate this. I know there is more to the story. Maybe Dray really did think he was divorced, but either way, why didn’t he just tell me. I wouldn’t have cared.

If he was just honest, I would still be with him right now, maybe trying for another child. He’d help me with midnight feedings.

We’d be happy still.

Chapter 4


I get to the club house and round the brothers up for Church.

“First order of business. Club name. I’m sick as fuck of being compared to them damned Angels Warriors,” I tell my brothers as I lean back in my chair.

“Same, someone hears Untamed Angels and they think of those fuckin’ pussies,” Rage mutters from his seat off to the side of me.

“All in favor of dropping the Angels from our name? We’ll be the Untamed MC.”

Aye’s go around the table, not one person voted against it.

“Second, my daughter: not one of you fuckers touches her, not unless you can be the man she deserves. I know our lifestyle, cheating is our nature, but my little girl needs a man that can keep his dick in check and be what she needs, not only for herself, but for her daughter. She’s been hurt more than enough in her life, and I won’t allow it to continue. Hurt my girl, I’ll kill you.”

“Got it, Pres,” everyone shouts at the same time.

“Well fuck, there goes my plans of trying out some new pussy,” Gamer jokes from the end of the table.

The room goes quiet and everyone looks at me, waiting for my reaction. “The fuck you just say?” I ask slowly as I pull out my gun from its holster.
