Page 43 of Twisted Up In Us

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I kiss her head. “Don’t worry about it, your dad and I will take care of everything. I promise, the guy in charge of the morgue is actually a member of the club, so it won’t be a problem.”

She sobs against my chest harder, and it kills me. I wish I could take her pain away.

I wipe at her tears, but they aren’t slowing. I know part of her loved him because they had a child together. I can’t begrudge her this as I rub soothing circles on her back.


“Everything good?” I ask Hangman as I walk into his office a few hours later.

“Yep, it’s all been dealt with. Also contacted Melissa’s sister and Trevor, they’ll all be coming down for the funeral. Trevor said he’ll contact the rest of Dray’s family so we can start arrangements for the funeral next week.”

“What about the Jacks though, we just gonna let them get off with this?”

“Don’t worry about the Jacks, it’s being handled. You just go handle my kid. She needs you more than I do right now.”



The Funeral

God, I fucking hate this. This whole week leading up to this day has been so damn overwhelming. My sister, her husband, and my nephew showed up four days ago, followed by the entire Angels Warriors club. It’s been a godsend to have my entire family here with me.

As I place a flower on Dray’s casket, I’m tapped on the shoulder. I turn around and see a beautiful black woman, who smiles sadly at me. “I’m Dray’s ex-sister-in-law, Layla, I hope it’s okay we came.”


She tilts her head at the children behind her. “This is Laura and Luca, Dray’s niece and nephew.”Oh shit,these are the children Dray thought were his until he found out the horrible truth. They are stunning, both of them. For a moment I wonder if their mother is here, but I don’t see her.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” I tell the kids. They come close to me and wrap me up in a hug.

Laura tightens her hold on me. “He loved you so much, I’m sorry for everything that’s happened.”

“We’ll be having a party after he’s in the ground at my dad’s place, you guys are invited if you’d like to come?”

Layla gives me another smile and looks to the kids. “Our flight leaves later this afternoon, we only wanted to say our goodbyes and pay respects to Dray, just one last time. I have to get back home to my kids. But thank you for the offer.”

I nod, give her a sad smile and look to the kids again. I understand Dray leaving his wife, but looking at these children, I don’t get how he could have just abandoned them. Hell, if I had known about them myself before the fuckfest that was supposed to be our wedding day, I would have encouraged and demanded Dray to go see them.

“It was good to finally meet you guys. I’m sorry.” Luca’s eyes fill with tears, and he gives me a chin lift as he walks away. Laura looks back at me after watching her brother leave.

“It was nice to meet you too. I should go check on him.” She points over her shoulder at her brother. She looks to Layla and nods, and they leave.


I stand around the backyard just taking in everything. Half of the Untamed decided not to come, which is probably a good thing, considering the Angels Warriors are here. Everyone seems to be getting along at least.

“Hey sis,” Cori says, coming up to me. “How you feeling?”

“I’m sad, but there’s nothing I can do about that except just move along. Ya know.”

She gives my arm a squeeze. “You know I love you, right? You’re my favorite little sister in the universe.”

I used to say I was her only sister when she would say that, but now I can’t, since Lilly is her big sister.

“I love you too, and you’re my favorite big sister in the world." Cori looks over the yard and watches Caden play with her son and Mikayla. “He’s good with her, and him, but especially you.”

“Yeah he is.”
