Page 45 of Twisted Up In Us

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Without looking at me, he leans in close and kisses her forehead. “Sadie Draya.” My heart stutters at the name and tears swim in my eyes.

“It’s perfect,” I whisper.

He stands up and goes to the door. “I’ll go bring in your dad, the kids, and your sister.”

I smile, thanking him.

Cori and I, I hate to say this, aren’t as close as we once were. And honestly, it’s only because of the distance. Instead of spending every day practically together, it’s only twice a year now, a week each time. The distance sucks, but we’re both finally grown enough to not need each other as we once did. I miss her all the time, of course, but I’m so happy in where I’m at right now, I wouldn’t change it for anything.

And seeing my sister overcome all she did, and become who she is now, I don’t think she would either.

When we get together, she even treats Hangman as her own father, and it’s probably because she knows what he did for us when it came to our mother. She’s grateful for it, even though she thought Mom's death was overkill on his part.


The kids all gather around Melissa and smile at their new baby sister. Fuck my heart feels full.

“Thank you for loving her,” Cori says, coming up behind me.

“Trust me, loving her is the easiest thing in the world.”

And it is. I wouldn’t change our twisted-up love story for anything.
