Page 5 of Twisted Up In Us

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Gamer shoves back, holding his hands up, “Pres, I was just joking, brother. I’ll stay away from your daughter.”

“Good, lets party.”

I bang my gavel to end the meeting and go in search of some pussy. Fuck knows I need it after being on the road for a week with my kid and granddaughter. But before I leave the room, I punch Gamer in the face and he goes down, nose bleeding, “Don’t joke about my kid like that. Next time, it won’t be a fuckin’ punch, I’ll shoot you.”

Chapter 5


3 weeks later

Three weeks, my life went to shit three weeks ago, and I can’t seem to fix it. I thought for sure Shayla and I were over. I signed those papers, she signed them, but as I’ve come to find out, she didn’t file the damn papers. I don’t know why, not a clue. Turns out the bitch even sent me a fake letter saying the divorce was finalized. Just so I wouldn’t know the truth. I pulled out the divorce decree and looked it over, it looks legit, it’s why I never questioned it. But sure enough, when I called the courthouse to investigate it, they said I was indeed married. The bitch must have gotten help from my fucking brother with the fake papers.

I gave her everything she asked for in the divorce. Full custody, the house, everything. I should have known something was going on when she started calling a few months ago, but I ignored it because she’s all about drama, and I’m done falling into her shit.

Last night I agreed to meet up with her, to see the kids. Her and my brother deserve each other but can’t be together cos that dick is already married with kids and won’t divorce Layla. Layla doesn’t know about his affairs; the money he has in a secret account that he gives to the other women. She doesn’t even know about his children withmydamn wife.

I told Shayla last night I would be telling the kids everything. They're ten and thirteen now, they can finally understand the truth. Shayla said if I told them they would hate her, but that’s not my problem. She’s had years to tell them the truth. I know I should have told them a long ass time ago, but I couldn’t bear to do it. Seeing them hurt killed me. I’ve always wanted a bunch of kids, and knowing that the ones I raised weren’t mine,fuck. I’m tearing my brother’s life apart for ruining mine, and I’ll take great joy in it.

I worked years to get my intel on him, being undercover, and I finally have the file. I have shit on just about everyone. Randy even knows my real work, it’s why he put me as bouncer in his club instead of one of his men, since it looks less suspicious.

Only reason I stayed in the position, even after men were caught, was because no one knows I’m a cop. It's better this way. Lets me continue doing undercover work without blowing my cover.

Melissa doesn’t know, and I hate that I haven’t told her. I wanted to so badly, but I also know she’d have told her sister. Cori would have then told Blake, then the Angels would know. My cover would be blown. I should have told her about my wife and those kids though. I tried explaining in a voicemail about how they weren’t mine, but I know her, she’s stubborn, worse than her sister, so she probably just deleted the messages without listening to them.

I’ll get Melissa back, I know I will, but it will take time. In the meantime, I'll get rid of Shayla for good and hopefully help Layla leave my asshole brother.

Flashback Chapter


The Truth Comes Out

The wait for the god damned test results are taking too long. Both Shayla, Luca, and I all tested to see who’s a match. Shouldn’t the tests be done? My little girl is in that room right now fighting some fucked up infection that has destroyed one of her kidneys.

Shayla cries into my shoulder quietly, something she’s been doing a lot of since I found her sleeping with my brother Matt. I always thought cheating would be something I would never forgive someone for, but after hard work, I managed to move on from it and forgive her, mostly for the sake of our kids.

I also never told Layla, Matt’s wife, about the affair either. She didn’t need that hurt on her and her children either. Although it still kills every time I see my brother, feel like killing him every time. Shayla of course thinks I’m still holding a grudge about it, and maybe I am, because I haven’t touched her sexually since.

And now here we are, in this damn waiting room months later, all of us, the entire family waiting to find out what will happen to our daughter.

I look up as I see the doctor coming down the hall. His face doesn’t look like he has any good news. I stand up, pulling Shayla up with me, leaving Luca sitting on the chair.


“I’m afraid none of you are a match,” those words feel like a kick to my gut, how could none of us be a match for her? “However, we did test another, and he’s a perfect match and he’s agreed to donate his kidney for her.”

I frown, “Who else did you test?” Shayla fidgets against my side.

“Your brother, Matt, is currently in the operating room as we speak. It shouldn’t take too long, but once he’s finished, we’re start right away with Laura.”

I’m stunned, after all the hateful shit going on between Matt and I lately, I never thought he would be the one we ended up needing to save my daughter’s life.

An hour later Laura gets wheeled out for surgery, and I give her a kiss on the cheek, letting her know everything will be alright.

“I’m gonna go get something to eat, all this waiting is killing me.” I tell Shayla.

“Okay, Luca and I will go in and check on Matt, make sure he’s okay and to thank him. Can you bring us back a little something? Maybe a sandwich and an apple?”
