Page 6 of Twisted Up In Us

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“Yeah, no problem.” I stare at her, she’s not making eye contact with me. Something’s up.

As I walk away and head down to the food court, something sinks in. How was Matt a match? It doesn’t make sense. I’m Laura’s father, Luca is her brother, Shayla her mother, it should have been one of us, right? Unless Shayla’s affair was going on much fucking longer than I thought.

No, Laura is my daughter. She has to be.

I spot the doctor that told us about the test results in the food court, eating his lunch, and I walk over to him. “Mr. Hante, what can I do for you?” he asks, as I take a seat next to him.

“Those results of the test, got me thinking, is there any way to do a DNA test? Recently found out my wife had an affair, and for those tests results to not come back as me being a match has my head going into overdrive. I need to know.”

He looks at me with sympathy, giving me a sad smile. “I can certainly get the tests ordered up, but just so you are aware, just because you weren’t a match doesn’t mean you aren’t her father. I see cases like this all the time. Twin siblings not being a match, biological parents not being a match, sometimes ends up being a perfect match with a complete stranger.”

I nod, “I understand that, I just need to know. While we’re doing Laura’s test, can we check my son too? I never thought this was something I would be compelled to do, but my gut is telling me I have to.” I forgave Shayla for cheating, but I won’t be able to forgive her if she’s not only been doing it the entire time we’ve been together, but most especially if my kids aren’t mine. That will kill me.

“Absolutely, give me an hour, and you bring the boy down to my office, we’ll get it all done up.”

I shake his head as I stand up, “Thank you, doctor.”

I walk off, quickly grabbing Shayla and Luca some food, and head back up to the waiting area.

Two weeks later, my answers came in the mail.

Chapter 6


“Captain Spurl,” my Boss answers.

“Dray,” I reply.

“What can I do for you? You have anything?”

“Sure do. Everything.”

He goes quiet. “This is your brother, you still sure you want to go through with this?”

“Yeah, more so now than before. I’m bringing him down and finally telling the truth. You’re gonna have to take me out of undercover shit because it’ll be blown.”

“Shit. You sure? Because you’re the best man I have, plus you’re the only undercover officer that keeps his dick away from the women you investigate. Makes for less paperwork.” He’s got that right, for the first few years, I was married, so I wasn’t going there. Although that didn’t stop a few of the other married UC’s. I take my job seriously, always have. Fucking was off limits. Even after I thought I was divorced, I would never dirty my cock inside a woman connected to my cases.

“I’m sure, sir, find me another position in the department.” I click off before he can respond and pull in behind Shayla’s car.

The house looks the same. It should, considering my brother pays for the upkeep. I knock on the front door and it opens instantly. Laura, my thirteen-year-old niece stares at me in shock. “Dad?” she whispers out. Hearing her call me dad has my chest feeling tight. She rushes to me for a hug. Damn this kills me, knowing I’m about to squash her dream of having me home. I’m the only ‘dad’ her and Luca have ever known, so this shit has me hating Shayla even more.

“Hey, kid. Luca here too?” I ask, referring to her little brother.

She nods her head. “Mom has been fretting all day, now I know why.”

I give her a chin lift. “We need a family meeting.”

“Are you coming back home?”

I rub the back of my neck and shake my head. “Your mom and I need to talk with you guys about something important. Something you all should have known a long time ago.”

Tears form in her eyes. “This doesn’t sound good,” she says timidly, too smart for her own good.

I follow behind her into the sitting room and see Luca playing video games. Shayla comes out of the kitchen and Laura was right, she looks scared as shit.

“Luca,” I call to him.
