Page 13 of Derek

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The phone barely rings before Mel picks up. I swear that girl has her phone glued to her hand.

“Hey bitch.”

“Hey. So, guess who I had dinner with today?”

“Um, let me think? That hot bartender at Club Passion?” Travis, the bartender at Club Passion has been asking me out since my first night here. I say no every time, but he doesn’t seem to understand. I’ve tried to avoid going there the last few weeks, but that club is the best in the city, so I just make it a point to avoid him, and send Mel for my drinks.

I laugh. “No, you dork. Remember the guy named Derek that I told you about? The one I met years ago when I lived in Perth?”

“No way! He’s here? Did you kiss him? Did you finally get that dusty crotch of yours fucked?” Melody squeals, blunt and crude as ever.

“No, we just had a meal, and he friend-zoned himself.” I quietly say.

“Bitch, it’s been years. Caleb hurt you. I get that, but move on. Not all men are like him. You need to live a little. He probably only suggested to be friends because you probably did your usual freak out.”

I shake my head. “I know, Mel. Anyways,” I say, changing the subject, “are we still on for this weekend?”

“Damn right we are. Tearing up that club, bitch.”

“You do know you say the word bitch too much, right?”

“Pfft, no way. It’s my word.” I laugh her off. She’s such a nut. We hang up a few minutes later and I contemplate texting Derek. Should I invite him out this weekend to go to the club with us? Before I can even think more about it, I text him.

Rylie – Hey Derek, any plans this weekend?

Derek – This Rylie?

R – Oops sorry, yeah.

D- No worries. ;) Nope, no plans. You?

R – Want to come clubbing with us?

D – Who’s us?

R – Just me and my girl Mel.

D – Sure, when and where?

R – Club Passion, say ten?

D – Sounds good. Tomorrow?

R – Yup. Later.

D – Later.

After I read his last message, I put my phone away to get ready for bed. While I’m doing it, I think about Derek; his smile and his eyes specifically. I don’t know why, but even after all of these years, I still feel good around him.

When I was with Caleb, I thought I loved him, but that wasn’t love. And even though I thought he was the one, I now know that I was blinded by his charms and an idiot for thinking that he would have ever changed for the better.

I shake my head to rid the thoughts of Caleb. I lie down on my side and think about how the hell I am going to get through seeing Derek all the time. Fuck. My. Life.



I wake up the next morning and my mind goes straight to Rylie. Everything about her excites me. I look down and see my dick is hard and ready. I close my eyes and wrap my hand around my cock. I stroke myself slowly as think about those sexy eyes of hers that look straight through my soul. She knows that I want her, and I know she wants me too. She just doesn’t know it yet. I want her to see the side of me that proves I am not like everyone else, especially that mother fucker that hurt her. I want to show her what it is like to be with a real man.
