Page 17 of Derek

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I lean in and give her a kiss on her cheek. “Have a great day and think of me.” She blushes and heads out of my office.

I stand there just looking at her as she walks away. That ass, damn.

After Rylie leaves, I start to get back to work when I hear a knock on my door. I look at my appointments for the day, but see that the afternoon is clear. “Come in.”

I don’t bother looking up from my computer until the door slams shut. When I look up, I’m greeted with a pissed off Cecily marching towards my desk.

“Can I help you with something?”

“Are you kidding me!? You turn me down, for that crack whore wannabe?” She screeches.

I stand up from my desk and lean towards her. “Don’t you ever talk about her that way. You have no god damned clue what she’s been through!”

“Been through? Right, she probably did it to herself!” She says spitefully.

“One more word about her, and I will see you fired! Rylie Sullivan is her name. You want to see what she’s been through, look her up!” I sit back down in my chair and go back to work. I can practically feel the steam coming off of Cecily. She doesn’t say another word as she marches out the door, slamming it behind her.

Fucking bitch.



I left Derek’s office pissed. I can’t fucking believe that he turns me down for some emo chick. How dare he! I’ve been trying to get Derek for the last year, but nothing I do ever works. I even tried pretending that I wasn’t interested in him, thinking that maybe he enjoyed the chase. Still nothing! Yet, he’s attracted to some bitch with tattoos littered all over her body like a fucking doodle bear, and a pin cushion for a face. I can’t even think about the shit on her head that she calls her hair! That’s bullshit! What’s he doing? Rebelling against Mummy? No way inhell his mother would approve of that bitch!

I go tomy desk and boot up the computer. Rylie Sullivan, I type into the Google search bar, and watch as article after article pops up on the screen.

Oh my god, that poor girl! Wait, what am I saying? She’s too damaged for Derek. He doesn’t need that in his life. He needs someone strong, someone that doesn’t come with that kind of baggage. While I feel bad for the girl, she just isn’t the one for him. I am.

She’s not even from money. Money sticks with money. Money doesn’t go for trash.

And I will make him see that, eventually. It’s only just a matter of time.

Chapter 11


I go to my closet and pick out my hot red maxi dress and pair it with my red strappy flats. I hate heels. They are just not for me. I look at the time, and notice that I’m running late. I quickly shoot Derek and Mel a text saying I’ll be there in ten. I call up a cab and wait out front for it to pull up.

Ten minutes later, right on the dot, I pull up in front of the club.After paying the driver, I hop out of the cab and immediately spot Derek casually standing by the door, speaking with one of the club’s bouncers. Sweeping my eyes further along the line of excited club goers, I notice Mel waiting near the middle and start to make my way toward her.

“Hey bitch.” Mel says as I pull her out of line. We quickly make our way up toward the entrance of the club where Derek is patiently waiting for us and I have an opportunity to make quick introductions.

“Derek, Mel. Mel, Derek.” They shake hands before the bouncer ushers us through the velvet rope and we’re immersed into the dim, smoky lighting of the club. We slowly make our way over to a table and take our seats. I turn to Derek.

“How did you get us in here so fast?”

“I’m friends with the bouncer.” He smirks at me, then goes to the bar to place our order.

“So that is Derek, huh? Damn, he is fine girl. What the hell are you waiting for? Girl, you better get up on that!” Mel says. Seriously, the way she talks, you would think she was from some ghetto town.

“Yeah.” I say, looking over in his direction.

“You better tap that beforeblondie over there does.” She points over to Derek, and I see a blonde girl next to him, wearing barely anything, and shoving her tits into his chest. He shakes his head and steps back from her while she pouts and flaunts off. “Never mind, don’t think you need to be worrying about that.”

I smile to myself and shake my head. Mel and I eventually decide to go up to the bar to check it out and are greeted by the sight of a hot bartender dressed in a tight black tee and a pair of faded denim jeans. Mel being Mel, immediately starts eye screwing him and I cannot help but laugh as he winks back at her and slowly starts to make his way over to us.

“What can I get you fine ladies tonight?” He asks as he mischievously smiles back at us. His brown eyes are shining while he leans on to the bar top and let’s Mel take in her fill of him.“Darling I want you, but if you can’t comply, gimme two shots of royal flush!” Before the hot bartender can say anything, Mel gets on the bar, seductively pulls him to her and kisses him! I watch in amazement as my friend is practically tongue raping this poor guy, but then I see his hands getting fresh and even more tongue movement. Ugh. There goes my shot!
