Page 21 of Derek

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“Your Mumisn’t?” she asks, concern filling her voice. I laugh at the thought of anyone considering my Mum great.

“No! She was about as far from great as you can get. She was a lot like my ex, who is someone I would like to forget.”

“That’s fine. I’ll be your Mum from now on. I’ve always wanted a daughter.” She says with a big smile, and hugs me tight.

Chapter 13


Derek isa completely different person compared to the guy he was at Layla’s baby shower. He doesn’t push me for anything. Instead, he’s just there. Over the last few months our friendship has been amazing; probably better than any friendship I’ve ever had with anyone else. We even have a routine. He picks me up every day from work, and afterwards we usually go out for supper. Sometimes, we decide to stay in and I’ll cook for him, or he’ll cook for me. Even his Mum invites me over and calls me up regularly now, especially since next week is Derek’s birthday party. Elizabeth wants me over there a few hours early, so that I can help decorate. Of course I agreed because the woman is persistent.

Last week while we were out,Derek noticed me getting fidgety during one of his phone calls. I’m not sure who he was talking to, but he was pissed and yelling, but when he saw the look on my face, he let the person on the phone go and apologized to me right away. He said he was so sorry, and explained that a co-worker had screwed something up at work. I’m just glad that he took the time to tell me what was wrong. He made a point to take care of me when he noticed that I got scared around someone who was arguing. You would think after three years, I wouldn’t get so jumpy or nervous when people are yelling or arguing.

Tonight,I’m at home getting ready to head out, because I’m meeting up with Derek at a local seafood place. I don’t know why I agreed to go there. I hate seafood, but tonight is different. I’m bringing my friend Mel, one of the stylists that works for me, and he’s bringing a co-worker of his.

Before I can get outof the door, my phone rings. I go to the table by the couch and pick it up while seeing that it’s an unknown number. I frown, since my phone is unlisted. “Hello?”

“Is this Ms. Sullivan?”A female voice asks.


“I’m detective Pinson. I just wanted to call and inform you that one of our prisoners was killed yesterday in a cafeteria brawl. I’m sorry Ms. Sullivan, but you know him by the name of Caleb Wilson.”

I freeze. Caleb is dead? Why do I not feel bad in the slightest? “Dead?” I ask, just to confirm.

“Yes ma’am. We were told to notify you of anything related to Mr. Wilson, and according to what I read in the file, I’m sure you are relieved by this.” She says. I’m speechless.

“Thank you for calling.”

“You’re welcome, Ms. Sullivan. I’m sorry if I bothered you, but it’s policy that we let you know what has happened. Take care.” She hangs up without even saying goodbye.

Holy shit,I can’t believe he’s dead!

“You fucking cunt!” Caleb screams out as he’s being lifted out of his seat by two heavily built police officers. “You’ll pay for this, Rylie! You hear me? When I get out of this fucking place, I’m coming after you. The next time, you will be dead!” I barely hear the last word as he’s already out the side door.

Officer Connors comes over to me and places a hand on my shoulder. “Sweetie, don’t worry. He won’t come near you when he gets out of prison.” I don’t feel sure of her words. Shedoesn’t know Caleb.

Snapping out of my flashback, I sit back on to my bed and slowly start to smile. Caleb is out of my life forever. A sense of relief surges through my body, and while I know that I should feel bad about the loss of a life, right now I’m just happy that he can’t hurt me anymore. And honestly, that dick had it coming. He fucked me up emotionally, physically, and mentally, and pay back and karma is a bitch. I’m actually starting to feel like I’m glad that he’s gone, and I feel an indescribable feeling of peace knowing that he cannot hurt anyone ever again. Reeling in my thoughts, I notice that I’m running late. I get up and smile. Now I can really start to live my life for me…again.

I pick Mel up around seven, and she looks amazing with her long brownish hair curled andflowing down her back. She’s wearing the little black dress that she borrowed from my closet a few weeks back and she looks classy as hell. I’m just wearing my hot pink converse shoes with a dark purple mid-thigh length halter dress. I’ve never been a fan of heals or any of those dressy shoes. Mel always says my style is epic because I always have my tats on display and my dreads are to die for.

“Hey bitch, let’s roll.” Mel says as she hops in my car.

“Yeah…but Mel…I got a phone call about twenty minutes ago. You’ll never believe what it was about.” I tell her.

“Tell me!” she demands.

“Caleb is…Mel…He’s dead.” I say, withholding any form of emotion from my voice.

She lets out a giant screamthat catches me off guard and has me wincing. “Dickwad got what was coming to him! Hells yeah.” While I’m glad that she’s able to express her relief over the news, I’m still trying to figure out what I feel about the whole situation.

“Am I a terrible person for wanting to feel happy about this?” I know the answer to my question before Mel even has a chance to open her mouth.

“Girl. You have every right to feel happy about this. That man got what he had coming to him, so keep your head up mama and smile because that asshole will never hurt you again.”

She’s right.

It’s finally over.
