Page 22 of Derek

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After the heavy burden of telling Mel the news, my spirits lift and we make small talk on our way to the restaurant. She knows that I’m starting to get feelings for Derek, so she keeps talking about him and asking questions. I always tell her it’s not going to happen, but she insists on saying that it will. Whatever. She can think whatever she wants.

I pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, and spot Derek next to the door. A tall man with light brown skin is standing beside him. He’s cute, but not nearly as handsome as Derek is. He’s a bit lankier while Derek is thick and all muscle. He’s also a few inches shorter than Derek. He looks slightly familiar, but I can’t place it. It doesn’t matter though, because after looking back toward Derek, my mind is lost in a lust filled haze. What I wouldn’t give to see Derek’s muscles bulging out while he’s moving inside me… Where did that thought come from? I shake my head and Mel chuckles as if she knows what I was thinking about.

Derek comes over to me and gives me a giant hug with a soft smile on his face, effectively ending my day dream and causing my cheeks to slightly redden. “You made it. Hey Melody.” He says, sticking his hand out to shake hers.

“Hey there big guy.” Mel says grinning at him.

“This is Connor, a buddy of mine from work. Connor this is Rylie and Melody.” Derek says.

“Ladies…” Connor says with a quick chin lift. “Shall we go in? I put our name down for a table, and it should be ready by now.”

As we make our way inside, I take note that this place looks extremely elegant.

The hostessdelicately maneuvers us through the dimly lit restaurant to a plush corner booth, towards the back of the room. Our small nook looks as if it’s wrapped in a blanket of silky red satin and compliments the black flooring and walls that cover the romantic interior. I slide in first and notice Derek sliding in next to me, not Melody. Instead, she slides in across from me, followed by Connor sliding in next to her.

As I’m looking at the menu, I notice a few things that aren’t seafood. Thank God! I let out a sigh of relief, and Mel giggles knowingly.

“Are we missing something?” Derek asks.

“Rylie hates seafood. She even gags over the smell of it.” Melody says while chuckling.

Derek frowns and turns to me. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

I shrug. “You wanted to come here, and hey, it’s fine. I found a few items that aren’t seafood on this menu.”

“So Rylie...” Connor says, interrupting what Derek was about to say. “I heard you own a salon here. How’s business?” Slowly moving my gaze from Derek’s newly formed scowl, I move my eyes to meet Connor’s stare; as a band of butterflies are released in to my stomach. Something about this man is beginning to rub me in the wrong way.

“It’s good. Our waiting list is six months outat the moment, and to be honest--I’m shocked. I didn’t think the place would be such a big hit so soon.”

Seemingly pleased with my answer, Connor smiles and resumes looking over the menu until the waitress comes over a few minutes later. “Can I start you all with something to drink?” she asks cheerily.

“I’ll have a vodka martini-- no olives.” I don’t pay attention to what the others order and go back to scanning the menu. I’m limited on what I can have, considering everything but three items are seafood.

I decide on the Chicken Alfredo andhear Derek order a seafood lover’s platter. I giggle. “What’s so funny?” He asks as he bends down to kiss my forehead.

“Why did you order a huge platter?”

“Maybe we can share and I can feed you?” His voice gets soft. My heart beats faster again. Am I dreaming? I have to be.

“Um no, you can keep the seafood to yourself.” I say as I pretend to gag. Derek just chuckles.

“So Rylie, how long have you been in Melbourne?” Conner asks.

“Three years now.” Irespond, while shifting in my seat to try and get comfortable. I’m not sure what Connor’s issue with me is, but from the way he looks at me, and interrupts Derek every time we have a moment, I honestly don’t want him asking me anymore questions tonight. The creepy vibe is strong with that one. Derek rubs my thigh and I start to feel a little better.

“What made you decide to move here?”

“Needed a change.” I say quietly. Derek moves his hand, and squeezes my thigh lightly then takes it off. Damn. I wish he’d put it back. .

Connor’s body stiffens. What’s his deal? Can’t he see I’m obviously not interested in him and I have my eyes on Derek? “Would you like to go out this weekend? Catch a movie or something?” Connor boldly asks me.

Derek stiffens beside me. “No,actually she can’t, because she and Derek are doing something.” Mel speaks up for me. Derek relaxes instantly and I notice him shoot a grin in Mel’s direction.

Connor looks disappointed. “Oh, maybe some other time...” That’s it. I’m going to have to nip this one in the bud.

“I’m sorry Conner, but didn’t Derek tell you? He and I are together.” I blurt out, hoping he’lltake a hint and not ask me again. Derek places his arm around my shoulders, which in return, moves me into him a little more.

“Oh, no. He didn’t. I just assumed you were friends.” Connor says, finally starting to look uncomfortable.
