Page 24 of Derek

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“I like hot chocolate.” I say with a smile.

“Ok, from now on, that’s what I’ll bring you. And, I’ll go outto buy coffee grounds and a maker this week, sometime, to leave here for when I’m over.” I freeze. Huh? Does he plan to be over a lot? Did he not realize that tonight in front of Connor… it wasn’t real?

He senses my inner freak out and says gently, “Hey,Ry, relax. We’re friends, for now. Don’t worry.”

We settle in on the couch and throw onThe Expendablesmovie. It’s one of my favorite movies, but I’m asleep before the good stuff even starts.


I can hear Caleb downstairs, but I'm alone in the room. I push myself up off the floor and try to stand up straight, but I'm in so much pain that I can hardly breathe. I'm sure he broke a rib this time, so I end up walking bent at the middle. I slowly make my way to the bed and do my best to lay completely still. Hopefully, Caleb will leave soon. Then and only then, I can go to the emergency room. I wonder how I will explain the beating this time. I hate having to lie to everyone, especially, the doctors. They know the truth. I'm pulled from my thoughts by Caleb walking into the room. He stops a foot from the bed and starts to unbutton his shirt. I close my eyes and pray that he just wants to sleep, but I know better. I feel the bed move, as he climbs in. He lays his body on mine and whispers into my ear. "I love you, Rylie."

“Rylie, it’s ok. It’s only a dream.” A voice says as I open my eyes and bolt upright. Seeing that the voice belongs to Derek, I throw my arms around him and hold onto him as tightly as possible. I hate that I feel this way. Caleb is dead! He can’t hurt me anymore!

“Oh my God.” I breatheout. I can’t believe that after all this time, I’m still dreaming of Caleb.

Being thatDerek is still here, I must have fallen asleep during our movie. “Do you get these nightmares often?” Derek asks as he wipes the tears from my face.

“No, that’s the first one in a while.” I let him go, but keep my eyes on him. I cannot keep doing this. I’m so confused with everything that’s going on. Why is Derek still hanging around me? Can’t he tell I’m messed up in so many ways? I’m not worth the trouble.

Derek keeps rubbing my arms up and down. It’s nice having him here around me. I feel safe and protected. He looks into my eyes, “It’s late,so if you’re ok now, I should probably get going.”

I sit straight up. I don’t want to be alone tonight. “Wait. Can you, um, stay the night?” I ask him quietly.I hate that I sound so desperate, but I can’t be alone right now.

“Are you sure?”

I nod. “Just sleeping. I don’t want to be alone.”

“Ok, let me just run home and grab a change of clothes. I’ll be back.”

Derek is back a half an hour later and we curl up in my bed. “Thanks for being here.” I whisperto him in the dark.

He snuggles into my back. “Don’t mention it, babe.”

Tonight ended up being the first night of many.

Chapter 15


I cannot believe I let Derek talk me into this. How did dinner as friends turn into sleepovers, late night phone conversations, and weekly rollerblading dates? Well, date isn’t the right word. I don’t date. I don’t know if I’ll ever date again. I guess they are rollerblading outings. Yeah, outings work for me.

“Come onRy, get your ass moving.” Derek says after picking me up for the third time.

“If I could stay offof my ass, I would.” I snarl at him. “Why do I have to do this? What is so important about rollerblading?”

“It’s fun. You never have any fun. All work and no play makes Rylie a very dull girl.” He says while laughing and pulling me along with him.

“That may be true, but bruises on my ass will make me a very bitchy girl.”

We skate together for a few minutes, before I realize that he is still holding my hand. It feels so good to be this close to him. It feels normal. Almost like our hands were made to fit together. Shit! I can't do this.

I jerk my hand away with such a force that I end up on the ground-- again. This time, I land on the edge of the path, where it is lined with gravel and end up hitting hard on my left side.

“What thehell was that Rylie?” Derek asks, leaning over me with concern lacing is voice.

“I just lost my balance.” I say trying to sit up, but I stop when I feel a sharp pain in my side. I jerk my shirt up and notice a big red groovefrom where the gravel dug into my skin. I start to put my shirt down when Derek grabs it. He looks at it for a few moments and shakes his head.

“You're going to have a hell of a bruise there tomorrow.” He starts to my put my shirt down, when he notices the scars on my stomach.
